
Research unit
Project number
Project title
SWICE – Sustainable well-being for the Individual and the collectivity in the energy transition

Associated projects

Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502495-WP1
Project title Die menschliche Dimension der Veränderung
Project title (in English) The human dimension of change
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502495-WP2
Project title Wohlbefinden, Standards und Übergang
Project title (in English) Well-being, standards and transition
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502495-WP3
Project title Resilienter Übergang von Nachbarschaften
Project title (in English) Resilient transition of neighbourhoods
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502495-WP4
Project title Auf dem Weg zu klimaneutralen Gebäuden
Project title (in English) Towards climate neutral buildings
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502495-WP5
Project title Die Rolle von Freiräumen für Energiewende und Wohlbefinden
Project title (in English) The role of open spaces for energy transitions and well-being
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502495-WP6
Project title Neue Arbeit, Mobilität und Energie
Project title (in English) New work, mobility and energy
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502495-WP7
Project title Energiesysteme und Infrastruktur
Project title (in English) Energy systems and infrastructure
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502495-WP8
Project title Integration über LLs hinweg: Methoden, Wirkungen und Skalierung
Project title (in English) Integration across LLs: methods, impact and upscaling