
Research unit
Project number
Project title
EDGE – Enabling Decentralized renewable GEneration in the Swiss cities, midlands, and the Alps

Associated projects

Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502269-WP1
Project title Research focus on cities
Project title (in English) Research focus on cities
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502269-WP2
Project title Research focus on midlands
Project title (in English) Research focus on midlands
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502269-WP3
Project title Research focus on the Alps
Project title (in English) Research focus on the Alps
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502269-WP7
Project title Deployment and integration of decentralized systems
Project title (in English) Deployment and integration of decentralized systems
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502269-WP8
Project title Policy, markets, and finance to scale up renewable systems
Project title (in English) Policy, markets, and finance to scale up renewable systems
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number CROSS
Project title CROSS – CooRdination Of Scenarios for SWEET