
Research unit
Project number
Project title
Monitoring of braking events of heavy vehicles for determining braking forces on road bridges

Associated projects

Research organisation: Swiss Federal Roads Office; Research Roads-Bridges-Tunnels
Project number AGB2011/003
Project title Aktualisierte Bremskräfte zur Überprüfung von Strassenbrücken
Project title (in English) Updated braking forces for the assessment of road bridges
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Roads Office; Research Roads-Bridges-Tunnels
Project number AGB2017/002
Project title Validierung des Modells zur Berechnung der dynamischen Einwirkung der Bremskraft auf Strassenbrücken
Project title (in English) Validation of the model for the computation of the dynamic action of the braking force on road bridges
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Roads Office; Research Roads-Bridges-Tunnels
Project number AGB2017/004
Project title Auswirkungen des Platoonings mit Lastfahrzeugen auf Schweizer Brücken
Project title (in English) Impact of platooning of heavy vehicles on Swiss bridges
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Roads Office; Research Roads-Bridges-Tunnels
Project number AGB1998/104
Project title Coefficients dynamiques pour la vérification des ponts-routes existants
Project title (in English) Dynamic coefficients for the evaluation of existing highway bridges.