
Research unit
Project number
Project title
Research package "Higher benefit of RIS": EP5: Lane based spatial referencing

Associated projects

Research organisation: Swiss Federal Roads Office; Research Roads-Bridges-Tunnels
Project number VSS2011/713
Project title Forschungspaket "Nutzensteigerung für die Anwender SIS"; Teilprojekt: Transformationskonzepte zwischen Bezugssystemen
Project title (in English) Subproject SIS: transformation concepts between reference systems
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Roads Office; Research Roads-Bridges-Tunnels
Project number VSS2011/711
Project title Forschungspaket VSS 2009/709 "Nutzensteigerung SIS" Projekt "Zeitaspekte und Historisierung"
Project title (in English) Research package VSS 2009/709 "Higher benefit of RIS" Project "Temporal aspects and historization"
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Roads Office; Research Roads-Bridges-Tunnels
Project number VSS2011/714
Project title Forschungspaket Nutzensteigerung für die Anwender des SIS: EP4: Bedingungen für die Semantik erhaltende Transformation
Project title (in English) Research package Increasing benefits for the users of the RIS: EP4: Required conditions for transformations maintaining semantic coherence
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Roads Office; Research Roads-Bridges-Tunnels
Project number VSS2011/716
Project title Forschungspaket VSS 2009/709 "Nutzensteigerung SIS" Projekt „Schnittstellen aus den Auswertungssystemen SIS (SIS-DWH)“
Project title (in English) Research package VSS 2009/709 "Higher benefit of RIS", Project "Interfaces between Road Information Systems and Business Intelligence systems
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Roads Office; Research Roads-Bridges-Tunnels
Project number VSS2011/712
Project title Forschungspaket "Nutzensteigerung für die Anwender des SIS": EP2: Bezugssysteme im Agglomerationsbereich
Project title (in English) Research project "Increasing benefits for the users of the road and transport information system": IP2: Referencing systems in agglomerations
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Roads Office; Research Roads-Bridges-Tunnels
Project number VSS2011/710
Project title Forschungspaket: Nutzensteigerung für die Anwender des SIS - Gesamtprojektleitung
Project title (in English) "Increasing benefits for the users of the road and transport information system" - Programm management