
Research unit
Project number
Project title
Federal Tax Administration FTA 2019 Business Partner Survey - Evaluation report

Inserted texts

Key words
ESTV, Partnerbefragung, Gesamtzufriedenheit
Key words
FTA, business partner survey, customer satisfaction
Key words
AFC, Consultation des partenaires, Satisfaction d'ensemble
Key words
AFC, Sondaggio presso i partner Soddisfazione com plessiva
Short description
Im Rahmen der Partnerbefragung 2019 der Eidgenössischen Steuerverwaltung (ESTV) wurden im Rahmen einer Stichprobe insgesamt 8099 Partner per Brief (Login-Code zum Online-Fragebogen) ngeschrieben. Davon wurden 541 Briefe an die ESTV und 6 an die Empiricon AG zurückgesandt. Dadurch reduzierte sich die Grundgesamtheit auf 7552 Partner.
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Short description
In the course of the partner-survey conducted by the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA) in 2019, a total of 8099 partners have been contacted in written form. The letter included an access code to the online questionnaire. 541 of the 8099 letters were returned to the FTA, 6 to the Empiricon company. The total number of participants was thus reduced to 7552. The survey was conducted between April 22th 2019 and July 25th 2019. Altogether, 2089 questionnaires were evaluable, which corresponds to a return-rate of 28 %.
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Short description
En 2019 l'Administration fédérale des contributions (AFC) a mené une enquête auprès d'un échantillon de 8099 partenaires. Elle leur a envoyé une lettre contenant le code d'accès à un questionnaire en ligne. Sur ces 8099 lettres, 541 ont été retournées a l'AFC et 6, à la société Empiricon. Le nombre de participants à l'enquête était donc finalement de 7552 partenaires. L'enquête s'est déroulée entre le 22 avril et le 25 juin 2019.
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Short description
Nel quadro del sondaggio presso i partner 2019 dell’Amministrazione federale delle contribuzioni (AFC) sono stati contattati per corrispondenza 8099 partner selezionati a campione, i quali hanno ricevuto un codice di accesso al questionario online. 541 lettere sono state rispedite all’AFC e 6 a empiricon. Sono dunque avanzati 7552 partner. Il sondaggio si è svolto dal 22 aprile al 25 giugno 2019. Complessivamente è stato possibile valutare 2089 questionari, il che corrisponde a una quota di partecipazione del 28 %.
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Empiricon AG für Personal- und Marktforschung
Charged budget
Legal basis
Art. 57 Abs. 1 RVOG | Art. 57 al. 1 LOGA. | Art. 57 cpv. 1 LOGA
Copyright, Bundesbehörden der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft | Droits d'auteur: autorités de la Confédération suisse | Diritti d'autore: autorità della Confederazione Svizzera | Dretgs d'autur: autoritads da la Confederaziun svizra | Copyright, Swiss federal authorities
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