The most frequently used disinfectants for therapy and control of ovine footrot in Switzerland are either cancero-genic (formaldehyde) or cause environmental pollution (CuSO4 and ZnSO4). Alternatives to these disinfectants are currently identified within the frame of the in-vitro and ex-vivo project 1.18.02. In-vitro, it was shown that Des-intec Hoofcare special D (DHSD) was effective in reducing viable D. nodosus (DN) by > 105. But in-vivo field data, using DSHD, is currently not available. The main goals of this study are to complete this knowledge gap by com-paring the efficacy and practical suitability of DHSD for its use in the planned Swiss footrot control program (part 1) and to evaluate the costs for complete elimination of virulent DN from the respective herds (part 2). For this purpose, up to 26 herds will be treated until completely sanitized (negative for virulent strains of DN). Results of this study can be used by the Swiss federal food safety and veterinary office (FSVO) to recommend measures for the practical implementation of the nationwide Swiss footrot control program.