
Industrielle Produktion von Zink und Wasserstoff in einem 100 kW Solar- Pilotreaktor für die ZnO-Ausspaltung
Projekttitel Englisch
Towards Industrial Solar Production of Zinc and Hydrogen - 100 kW Solar Pilot Reactor for ZnO Dissociation

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Der Zink/Hydrogen-Zyklus (ZnO/Zn-Zyklus) ist einer der vielversprechendsten thermochemischen Vorgänge für die Speicherung von Sonnenenergie. Die Entwicklung dieser Technologie erfordert noch wichtige Forschungsarbeiten im Labor, bevor die Machbarkeit an einem grösseren Reaktor (100 kW) erfolgreich gezeigt werden kann. In einer ersten Phase besteht das Ziel des Projekts in der weiteren Entwicklung und Optimierung des vom PSI konzipierten Sonnenreaktorprototyps. In einer zweiten Phase soll das Konzept eines 100 kW Reaktors erarbeitet werden und der Bau eines Pilotreaktors in Angriff genommen werden.
In a pilot phase, a 100 kW solar pilot reactor is being designed and constructed in adaptation to the functionality of an industrial solar plant. The reactor and peripherals (feeding and off-gas system) are being tested in the 1 MW solar furnace at CNRS Odeillo, France. The performance of the solar pilot reactor integrated with the Zn/O2 separation device are experimentally evaluated. The experimental data are used to validate the numerical models.
Dans ce projet pilote, un réacteur solaire d'une puissance de 100 kW est développé et construit de façon à répondre aux fonctionalités requises pour une installation solaire industrielle. Le réacteur et les installations périphériques (alimentation et système hors ligne) est testé dans le four solaire de 1 MW du CNRS à Odeillo, en France. Les performances du réacteur solaire pilote intégré au système de séparation Zn/O2 sont déterminées de façon expérimentales. Les données expérimentales sont utilisées pour la validation de modèles numériques.

Introduction – The solar two-step Zn/ZnO redox cycle [5] consists of: (1) the endothermic dissociation of ZnO to Zn and O2 at 2000 K using concentrated solar energy; and (2) the exothermic reaction of Zn with H2O/CO2 to H2/CO (mixture known as syngas, the precursor of liquid hydrocarbon fuels) and the initial ZnO; the latter is recycled to the first step, thus closing the material cycle. Following the technical demonstration with a 10 kWth solar reactor prototype, a 100 kWth solar pilot plant has been designed, fabricated, and experimentally tested at the large-scale solar concentrating facility of PROMES-CNRS in Odeillo, France. The operational experience of two previous experimental campaigns in 2011 and 2012 points out to further R&D needs and guides the development of an industrial solar chemical plant for the production of H2, syngas, and liquid hydrocarbon fuels.

Research purpose – The main purpose of the current research project is to optimize the solar reactor technology for the thermal dissociation of ZnO and to successfully demonstrate the fully integrated reactor at pilot scale (solar power input of 100 kWth). An advanced numerical heat transfer model of the 100 kWth solar reactor will be developed and validated with experimental data from the test cam-paigns at the 1 MW Solar Furnace (MWSF) in Odeillo, France. Towards the end of this P&D project, conceptual designs and preliminary economics for commercial solar Zn production and storage facili-ties will be developed based on large-scale concentrating solar power (CSP) tower technology.

The results from this research program will advance our ability to store solar energy as a fuel, such as Zn, H2, or syngas in a manner that increases our chances of having a sustainable solution to the cur-rent world problem of being dependent on a limited supply of fossil fuels

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