
Research unit
Project number
Project title
CoSi – Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society

Associated projects

Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502721-WP1
Project title CROSS +
Project title (in English) CROSS +
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502721-WP2
Project title Integration and Development
Project title (in English) Integration and Development
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502721-WP3
Project title Exchange and Co-Creation
Project title (in English) Exchange and Co-Creation
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502721-WP4
Project title The Role of individual behavior for the Swiss energy system
Project title (in English) The Role of individual behavior for the Swiss energy system
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502721-WP5
Project title The role of firms and communities
Project title (in English) The role of firms and communities
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/502721-WP6
Project title The role of the regulatory and societal frame-conditions
Project title (in English) The role of the regulatory and societal frame-conditions