
Research unit
Project number
Project title
Automated Airborne Pest Monitoring AAPM of Drosophila suzukii in Crops and Natural Habitats (AAPM)

Associated projects

Research organisation: Federal Office for Agriculture
Project number 12.04_1
Project title ERA-NET C-IPM: A holistic approach for the management of crazy (hairy) root disease, caused by rhizogenic Agrobacteria in tomato, cucumber, and eggplant cultivation (C-RootControl)
Research organisation: Federal Office for Agriculture
Project number 12.04_2
Project title ERA-NET C-IPM: Spotting the needle in a haystack: Predicting wireworm activity in top soil for integrated pest management in arable crops (ElatPro)
Research organisation: Federal Office for Agriculture
Project number 12.04_3
Project title ERA-NET C-IPM: Unification of IPM Forces to Control Mites in Berries, Soft Fruits and Woody Ornamentals (UNIFORCE)
Research organisation: Federal Office for Agriculture
Project number 12.04_5
Project title Integrated control of root-feeding fly larvae infesting vegetable crops (FlyIPM)
Project title (in English) Integrated control of root-feeding fly larvae infesting vegetable crops (FlyIPM)