
Research unit
Project number
Project title
IEA 4E TCP – Swiss ExCo Representation

Associated projects

Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number 102435
Project title IEA Implementing Agreement 4 E
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/500843
Project title Schweizer Teilnahme am Implementing Agreement Implementing Agreement "Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment, 4E" und "Assessing the Impacts of High Temperature Superconductors on the Electric Power Sector, HTSL"
Project title (in English) Swiss Participation of the Implementing Agreement "Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment, 4E" and"Assessing the Impacts of High Temperature Superconductors on the Electric Power Sector, HTSL"
Research organisation: Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Project number SI/500221
Project title IEA 4E TCP – Energy Efficient End-Use Equipment