
Research unit
Project number
UTF 247.01.08
Project title
REPIC Mandat 2007-2010

Associated projects

Research organisation: Federal Office for the Environment,
Project number UTF 553.11.17
Project title REPIC IV 2014-2018 (Mandat für die interdepartementale REPIC-Plattform IV 2014-2018)
Research organisation: Federal Office for the Environment,
Project number UTF 574.03.18
Project title REPIC 2018-2022 (Mandat für die interdepartementale REPIC-Plattform Periode 2018-2022)
Research organisation: Federal Office for the Environment,
Project number UTF 692.12.22
Project title REPIC 2022-2024 (Mandat für die interdepartementale REPIC-Plattform 2012-2024)