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FAIN: Future active IP networks
Titre du projet anglais
FAIN: Future active IP networks

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Autre Numéro de projet
Programme de recherche
Description succincte
Autres indications
Partenaires et organisations internationales
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Références bases de données

Textes saisis

Active networks; programmable networks; network architecture; active services; service deployment;
Information Processing; Information Systems; Innovation; Technology Transfer; Telecommunications
Autre Numéro de projet
EU project number: IST-1999-10561
Programme de recherche
EU-programme: 5. Frame Research Programme - 1.2.4 Essential technologies and infrastructures
Description succincte
See abstract
Autres indications
Full name of research-institution/enterprise:
ETH Zürich
Institut für Technische Informatik und Kommunikationsnetze (TIK)
Partenaires et organisations internationales
Coordinator: University College London (UK)
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
FAIN aims to develop an open, flexible, programmable and dependable (reliable, secure, and manageable) network architecture based on novel active node concepts. To reach this goal it proposes an innovative integration of active networking, distributed object and mobile agent technology. This facilitates fast changes and smooth integration of new services and network technologies. Based on requirements and use cases FAIN will prototype different active node execution environments in order to support a wide range of applications. Two classes of active applications will be developed: Policy-based Network Management and Dynamic Provisioning of Protocols. The network architecture will be validated by deploying and exercising interoperable active IP network nodes in a Pan-European testbed with international links. The result of the project will be provided in a form of recommendations and contributions to relevant standard organisations and industrial fora.

The project aims to develop an open, flexible, programmable and dependable (reliable, secure, and manageable) network architecture based on novel active node concepts. The network architecture will be validated by deploying and exercising interoperable active IP network nodes, in order to support new business models of network control and management and a wide range of distributed applications as envisioned in the future information society. It proposes a new generic architecture for active networks with an innovative integration of active networking, distributed object and mobile agent technology. The architecture is the core of the work, surrounded by effective solutions for service security and autonomous management that are critical for a realistic business adoption. The architecture will be validated and evaluated in Pan-European trials with international links to USA. Key recommendations and guidelines for EU policy.

Work description:
Development: The project will develop a novel, Active Node and Network architecture, interoperable AN solution for flexible and secure service provision in IP networks, a programmable solution for flexible management provision in active networks, distributed solution for dynamic programming of service and management functions.
Integration: The projects will set-up the first Pan-European Active Network with international connections to other non-European active network infrastructure and validate the overall project results with interworking with other test-beds, which allows assessment of the business model, execution of case studies, validation of the active node systems, and evaluation of proposed active networking technologies in a realistic scale. Dissemination: The project will disseminate the project results both within the IST community and to the appropriate industrial fora and standard bodies, e.g. IETF, TINA-C, OMG, IEEE, ITU-T.
The project will evaluate the advantage and limitation of active IP networks against existing IP networks. Based on the evaluation and measurement results, recommendations will be made to provide insights into the strength and weakness of active networks in wide deployment. It will provide recommendations and guidelines for the development and wide-deployment of active network systems in an open service market, which is continuously evolving both in terms of market players and underlying network technologies.

The project aims to realise a foundation for building active network-based solutions including new network services, management paradigms, and intelligent network elements. Specifically the results are: a flexible and generic active network architecture validated through case studies and trials; open, interoperable environments for secured service provisioning; prototypes of active nodes; a Pan-European testbed serving further R&D in related areas such as service creation and active networking.
Références bases de données
Swiss Database: Euro-DB of the
State Secretariat for Education and Research
Hallwylstrasse 4
CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland
Tel. +41 31 322 74 82
Swiss Project-Number: 99.0533