
Research unit
Project number
Project title
IMPACT: Improved machinery performance using active control technology

Texts for this project

Key words
Alternative project number
Research programs
Short description
Partners and International Organizations
References in databases

Inserted texts

Key words
Active control technology; active magnetic bearings; intelligent machinery
Alternative project number
EU project number: BRPR-CT97-0544
Research programs
EU-programme: 4. Frame Research Programme - 2.1 Industrial and materials technologies
Short description
See abstract
Partners and International Organizations
ETH Zürich, TU Darmstadt, Imperial College London
The objective of the research project was the development of a SMART- Machine -Technology, which guarantees an optimal condition of mechatronic systems with respect to higher performance and higher reliability. The research activities have been focused on the development of modelling tools for the entire mechatronic systems with respect to process-, controller- and actuator/sensor-behaviour; the development of model-based diagnosis/prognosis and correction algorithms for mechatronic systems (SMART-Machine-Technology); the application of the SMART-Machine Technology on three different test rigs and design studies to realize the full potential of the SMART-Machine-Technologies in industrial cases.
The results which have been achieved during the three years research period are
- SMART-Machine-Technology software to simulate several mechatronic systems,
- case study applications of the SMART-Machine-Technology on
- a rotating structure where different faults can be added and can be compensated by the SMART system technology,
- a milling machine structure being capable to diagnose and to correct by means of
piezoactuators systems changes,
- an adaptive squeeze film damper test rig being capable to alter the bearing properties to
control different operating environments,
- a high speed grinding spindle running in Active Magnetic Bearings which is capable to
diagnose the process state and actively intervene on the process,
- a centrifugal pump running in Active Magnetic Bearings which is capable to diagnose the
process state and actively intervene on the process,
- A design study of the application of piezoactuators for active vibration control to medium sized milling machine illustrating the technologies benefits and limitations.
In conclusion, it can be stated that the project added some potentially powerful tools for system modelling, diagnosis and correction to existing approaches. In particular the successful application of these procedures on five real applications of different areas seems to be promising that this technology will be in use in the near future. A very positive result of this project is the agreement between Bosch, Mecos and TUD to continue the common work and to exploit some of the result.
References in databases
Swiss Database: Euro-DB of the
State Secretariat for Education and Research
Hallwylstrasse 4
CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland
Tel. +41 31 322 74 82
Swiss Project-Number: 97.0305-2