The realisation of alpine PV plants faces a special challenge compared to plants on the Swiss Plateau. In the Alps, wind loads are higher, snow drifts occur, temperature cycles are faster and temperature amplitudes are larger, and at the same time the irradiation of energy-rich UV light is increased. This results in additional requirements for the module design, the supporting structure, the system technology, the maintenance and the operational management of such systems. In this project, scientific questions on the following topics will be addressed: (1) mounting system and influence of the mounting system on PV modules; (2) selection of suitable PV modules for alpine use; (3) optimisation of the system design to achieve maximum yields, especially in the winter months; (3) selection of suitable outdoor measurement technology to assess systems and modules; (4) general system aspects (selection of components, system design for measurements on installations); and (5) quality monitoring of installations.
Within the framework of the project, not all of these issues will be addressed and solved from scratch. In addition to measurements, analyses and simulations, which are newly carried out within the framework of this project, information from parallel running projects and experiences from planned and realised projects are also incorporated. This leads to a far-reaching and comprehensive state of knowledge in the field of alpine photovoltaic systems.
The PV competence centres of the universities of applied sciences ZHAW, BFH, SUPSI and OST have joined forces to form a joint consortium for this purpose, in order to be able to answer the scientific questions in the field of alpine PV systems and the additional questions posed to universities of applied sciences by project developers in a more competent and efficient manner within the framework of this research project. The aim is to intensify the cooperation between this consortium and various implementation partners and to make the results of the cooperation, insofar as they are not confidential, available to the public. The rapid exchange of knowledge and experience between the individual project teams is a key to faster and more efficient implementation of Alpine PV projects.