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EUROSOIL 2021 - Connecting People and Soil

Textes saisis

Boden, Studien
Soil, Studies
Sols, Études
Suolo, Studi
Description succincte
EUROSOIL is the quadrennial scientific conference of The European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS). The ECSSS, under Swiss presidency, has adopted a specific goal for the 20th EUROSOIL congress: to preserve and restore soil resources by identifying and disseminating common strategies through the association of scientists and participants of the different value chains, thereby becoming the soil voice for 2030. Thus, the 2021 edition’s structure was based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, Eurosoil was innovative in the creation of an initiative entitled “Connecting People and Soil” bringing scientists and stakeholders together to work at designing common soil sustainable management, overarching to the SDGs. Eurosoil 2021 took place online between 23rd and 27th August 2021. To carry out the “Connecting People and Soil” initiative, a series of communications, forums and debates were co-organized by stakeholders and scientists during the EUROSOIL conference. All stakeholders whose activities have an impact on soil (including scientists) were invited to contribute to the identification and dissemination of common strategies in order to preserve and restore the soil resource. This document summarizes the main conclusions and recommendations that resulted from this initiative.
Documents annexés
Les ateliers C, Neuchâtel
Budget imputé
Bases légales
Art. 57 Abs. 1 RVOG | Art. 57 al. 1 LOGA. | Art. 57 cpv. 1 LOGA
Droits d'auteur
Copyright, Bundesbehörden der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft | Droits d'auteur: autorités de la Confédération suisse | Diritti d'autore: autorità della Confederazione Svizzera | Dretgs d'autur: autoritads da la Confederaziun svizra | Copyright, Swiss federal authorities
BAFU, Abteilung Boden und Biotechnologie, 3003 Bern