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Unité de recherche
Numéro de projet
104.020.1 IP-ICT
Titre du projet
Scalable Hardware and Software Control System for Error Correction in Superconducting Quantum Processors
Titre du projet anglais
Scalable Hardware and Software Control System for Error Correction in Superconducting Quantum Processors

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Description succincte
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)

Textes saisis

Description succincte
Scalable Hardware and Software Control System for Error Correction in Superconducting Quantum Processors
Description succincte
Scalable Hardware and Software Control System for Error Correction in Superconducting Quantum Processors
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Zurich Instruments will, with ETHZ and PSI, develop an integrated software/hardware system, enabling scalable quantum computing experiments with real-time feedback for large-scale quantum error correction and new applications such as initial state preparation and verification of quantum algorithms.
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Zurich Instruments will, with ETHZ and PSI, develop an integrated software/hardware system, enabling scalable quantum computing experiments with real-time feedback for large-scale quantum error correction and new applications such as initial state preparation and verification of quantum algorithms.