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Numéro de projet
54147.1 IP-ENG
Titre du projet
higher load-carrying capacity with lightweight fiber reinforced polymer ropes
Titre du projet anglais
higher load-carrying capacity with lightweight fiber reinforced polymer ropes

Textes relatifs à ce projet

Description succincte
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)

Textes saisis

Description succincte
Höhere Traglasten dank leichter Seile aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen
Description succincte
higher load-carrying capacity with lightweight fiber reinforced polymer ropes
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Verope, a world-leading supplier of special wire ropes for lifting applications, targets to get a good product portfolio for the expected strong growth in the lightweight rope business. Therefore, novel lightweight wire ropes with fiber-reinforced polymer wires shall be developed.