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19NET01 AdvManuNet: Support for a European Metrology Network on advanced manufacturing

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Description succincte
Objectifs du projet

Textes saisis

advanced manufacturing, key enabling technology (KET), metrology hub
Description succincte
Advanced manufacturing has been identified by the European Commission (EC) as one of six Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) with applications in multiple industries. Several previous EMRP and EMPIR projects have partly addressed the metrological needs for advanced manufacturing. However, a high-level coordination of the metrology community is currently absent, and this has limited the impact of metrological developments in advanced manufacturing.
Objectifs du projet

This network project will address this issue by establishing a single hub for stakeholder consultation, a knowledge base of relevant research results, and a strategic research agenda (SRA) as well as a training strategy, in order to support and promote the development of advanced manufacturing and related KETs. The project will also develop a plan for a joint and sustainable European metrology infrastructure for advanced manufacturing via a European Metrology Network (EMN), which will strengthen Europe’s position in advanced manufacturing.