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iPRECISE – Industrial passivating contacts approaches for high efficiency c-Si Solar cells

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Description succincte
Das Projekt iPRECISE widmet sich der Entwicklung und Integration der nächsten Generation von Passivierungskontakten für Silizium-Solarzellen. Auf der Grundlage eines einzigartigen Fachwissens in den Bereichen CVD-Beschichtung, Solarzellenintegration und -Charakterisierung wird das Projekt innovative Passivierungskontakttechnologien ermöglichen, mit denen die Lernkurve für den Wirkungsgrad weiter gesteigert werden kann im Vergleich zu kommerziellen Solarzellen mit homogenen Übergängen. Letztendlich wird das Projekt zu Komponenten mit einem Leistungs- und Umweltprofil führen, das dem von kommerziellen Solarzellen überlegen ist.
Description succincte
iPRECISE is devoted to the development and integration of next generation of passivating contacts for silicon solar cells. Based on our unique expertise in CVD deposition and solar cell integration and characterization, the project will enable breakthrough passivating contact technologies capable to extend the efficiency learning curve beyond that of commercial homo-junction solar cells. Eventually, the project will lead to devices with performance and environmental profile superior to that of commercial solar cells.
Description succincte

Le projet iPRECISE est consacré au développement et à l'intégration de la prochaine génération de contacts passivants pour les cellules solaires en silicium. Sur la base d'une expertise unique en matière de dépôt CVD et d'intégration et de caractérisation des cellules solaires, le projet permettra de mettre au point des technologies de contact passivant révolutionnaires capables d'étendre la courbe d'apprentissage de l'efficacité au-delà de celle des cellules solaires homo-jonction commerciales. À terme, le projet conduira à des dispositifs dont les performances et le profil environnemental seront supérieurs à ceux des cellules solaires commerciales.

Publications / Résultats

Public update iPrecise 2022:
The iPrecise project aims at developing the technologies for the next generation of c-Si solar cells following the current industrial mainstream “PERC” structure. The main focus of the project consists in the integration of passivating contacts based on a polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) layer on top of a very thin silicon oxide (SiOx ~1-2 nm) in between the crystalline silicon (c-Si) absorber and the metal contacts. In 2022, the passivation and charge collection of poly-Si contacts fabricated either by PECVD or PVD and compatible with the current industrial metallization process were improved. The integration of poly-Si contacts at the front of c-Si solar cells requires a patterning of the poly-Si layer, such that most of the surface is with a thin layer to ensure low parasitic absorption and a higher layer thickness is used below the metal contacts. In the frame of iPrecise, a first patterning sequence based on the use of a hard mask during deposition of the poly-Si layer was developed. This method was used to fabricate proof-of-concept c-Si solar cells with a patterned poly-Si layer at the front, resulting in conversion efficiencies up to 21.7%. This represents the best demonstration reported in the literature so far, however, the deposition rate of the poly-Si layer is decreased within the narrow mask openings, which represents a limit towards industrial transfer of this process. Thus, we are developing an alternative patterning process better adapted for a transfer to the industry, which consists in the full area deposition of a thick poly-Si layer followed by selective wet etching. The main challenge here is to maintain a good surface passivation while etching the poly-Si layer as thin as possible between the metal contacts. The optimization of the poly-Si layer composition and the wet etching process enabled us to demonstrate a controlled etching of the poly-Si layer while preserving the surface passivation underneath. Finally, we developed large-area TOPCon solar cells integrating a PVD based poly-Si contacts at the rear side. Thanks to the optimizations of the tunnel oxide and plasma assisted ex-situ doped poly-Si layer, c-Si solar cells with efficiencies up to 22.8% were demonstrated.

Morisset, A., Famprikis, T., Haug, F. J., Ingenito, A., Ballif, C., & Bannenberg, L. J. In Situ Reflectometry and Diffraction Investigation of the Multiscale Structure of p-Type Polysilicon Passivating Contacts for c-Si Solar Cells. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 14(14), 2022, 16413–16423. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.2c01225

F.-J. Haug, S. Libraro, M. Lehmann, A. Morisset, A. Ingenito, C. Ballif
Impact of rapid thermal processing on bulk and surface recombination mechanisms in FZ silicon with fired passivating contacts, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 238, 2022, 111647, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2022.111647

Poster at 19th Swiss National Photovoltaic Conference, 1/2 July 2021, Bern
Localisation of front side passivating contacts for direct metallisation of high-efficiency c-Si solar cells, F. Meyer, A. Ingenito, J. J. Diaz Leon, X. Niquillea, C. Allebé, S. Nicolay, F.-J. Haug, C. Ballif, https://www.swissolar.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/Tagungen/PV-Tagung_2021/2_Poster_FM.pdf