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ToxOligo– Toxicological characterization of cyclic oligomers in plastics for food contact materials

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Objectifs du projet
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Publications / Résultats

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Oligomere; Kunststoffe; Lebensmittelkontaktmaterialien; Bioaktivität; in silico Voraussagen; in vitro Methoden; toxikologische Abklärungen; chemische Gruppierung; Quervergleich


oligomers; plastics; food contact materials; bioactivity; in silico prediction; in vitro assay; toxicological assessment; chemical grouping; read-across

Description succincte

ToxOligo fokussiert auf eine wichtige Wissenslücke durch die Charakterisierung toxikologischer Eigenschaften von Oligomeren aus Lebensmittelkontaktmaterialien (FCM) wie Kunststoffe, Klebstoffe, Druckfarben und Beschichtungen. Trotz hohen Konzentrationen in FCM sind Oligomere toxikologisch ungenügend untersucht und eine Sicherheitsabklärung schwierig. Eine systematische Literatursuche und Expertenbefragungen sollen eine Übersicht über vorhandenes Wissen der Strukturtypen, möglicher Exposition und toxikologischer Information geben. Physikochemische und ADME Eigenschaften, Reaktivität der Bausteine, Stabilität der Oligomere, Genotoxizität, endokrine Toxizität, und chronische und Entwicklungs-Toxizität werden durch in silico Methoden abgeschätzt. Ausgewählte Oligomere werden auf das Potenzial für Zytotoxizität, zellulären Stress, neuronale Toxizität, Makrophagenaktivierung und endokrine Störungen untersucht. FCM Extrakte werden für in vitro Untersuchungen in Betracht gezogen, um gefährdende Materialien zu identifizieren. Kritische Konzentrationen sollen abgeschätzt, Wissenslücken identifiziert und Empfehlungen für Folgestudien sowie ein Konzept zur Sicherheitsabklärung von Oligomeren vorgeschlagen werden.

Description succincte

ToxOligo addresses an important knowledge gap by characterizing toxicological properties of oligomers released from food contact materials (FCM) such as plastics, adhesives, printing inks and coatings. Despite known high levels in FCM, these substances are toxicologically poorly investigated, preventing adequate risk assessment. A systematic review of the literature and expert interviews will provide insight on available knowledge of types of structures involved, exposure estimates and toxicological information. Physico-chemical and ADME properties, reactivity of building blocks, stability of oligomers, genotoxicity, endocrine disrupting potentials, and chronic and developmental toxicity will be predicted by in silico methods. Hazard profiles will be established for relevant selected oligomers using in vitro assays on general cytotoxicity, cellular stress pathways, neuronal cell toxicity, macrophage activation, and endocrine regulation. Selected FCM extracts will be considered to identify potentially hazardous materials. Levels of concern will be estimated, information gaps identified, and recommendations for follow-on toxicological analyses and an evaluation concept for safety assessment of oligomers will be proposed.

Objectifs du projet

- to provide an overview of the data available in the scientific literature or from manufacturers on FCM oligomer structures, properties, occurrence and exposures, as well as existing toxicological investigations;

- to define the strategy for in silico and in vitro investigations based on retrieved information and expert interviews;

- to propose a list of representative substances for further toxicological prioritization of investigations;

- to characterize oligomers, with a focus on cyclic compounds, by various in silico prediction methods. Predictions will be used to direct in vitro testing, to group substances for read-across, and where exposure estimates are available to establish margins of exposure;

- to study oligomers in cell-based assays, assessing cytotoxicity, mutagenic potential, potential to promote cellular stress and inflammation, as well as neurotoxic and endocrine disrupting potential. Such data will be integrated with in silico predictions to facilitate the application of grouping/read-across and to identify the need to combine exposure for proper risk assessment;

- to begin to establish hazard profiles for selected oligomers;

- to identify knowledge gaps and propose recommendations for follow-on studies and an evaluation concept for the safety assessment of oligomers (with a focus on cyclic compounds).

Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Documents annexés
Publications / Résultats
Birgit Geueke*, Ksenia J. Groh, Maricel V. Maffini, Olwenn V. Martin, Justin M. Boucher, Yu-Ting Chiang, Frank Gwosdz, Phoenix Jieh, Christopher D. Kassotis, Paulina Lanska, John Peterson Myers, Alex Odermatt, Lindsey V. Parkinson, Verena N. Schreier, Vanessa Srebny, Lisa Zimmermann, Martin Scheringer, and Jane Muncke. Most Chemicals detected in Food Contact Materials are not listed for Use: Systematic Evidence on migrating and extractable Food Contact Chemicals. * corresponding author. Crit. Rev. Food Sci., 2022, 10.1080/10408398.2022.2067828.
Verena N. Schreier*, Christian Appenzeller-Herzog, Beat J. Brüschweiler, Birgit Geueke, Martin F. Wilks, Thomas J. Simat, Benoit Schilter, Martin Smieško, Jane Muncke, Alex Odermatt, Nicolas Roth. Evaluating the food safety and risk assessment evidence-base of polyethylene terephthalate oligomers: Proto-col for a systematic evidence map. *corresponding author. Environ. Int., 2022, 167, 107387.
Verena N. Schreier, Alex Odermatt, Frank Welle*. Migration modeling as a valuable tool for exposure as-sessment and risk characterization of polyethylene terephthalate oligomers. * corresponding author. Molecules, 2022, 28(1), 173.
Verena N. Schreier, Emre Çörek, Christian Appenzeller-Herzog, Beat J. Brüschweiler, Birgit Geueke, Martin F. Wilks, Thomas J. Simat, Benoit Schilter, Martin Smieško, Jane Muncke, Nicolas Roth, Alex Odermatt*. Ap-plication of systematic evidence mapping to evaluate the food safety and risk assessment evi-dence-base of 34 polyethylene terephthalate oligomers. * corresponding author. In preparation.
Publications / Résultats
Schreier, V. et al. Evaluation the food safety and riks assessment evindence-base of polyethylene terephthalate oligomers: Protocol for a systematic evidence map, Environment International, 2022.

Schreier, V.N.; Odermatt, A.; Welle, F. Migration Modeling as a Valuable Tool for Exposure Assessment and Risk Characterization of Polyethylene Terephthalate Oligomers. Molecules 2023, 28, 173. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28010173

Schreier, V. N. et al. Evaluating the food safety and risk assessment evidence-base of polyethylene terephthalate oligomers: A systematic evidence map, Environment International, 2023: 
Evaluating the food safety and risk assessment evidence-base of polyethylene terephthalate oligomers: A systematic evidence map - ScienceDirect
Documents annexés