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Analysis of Transitional Justice Language in Security Council Resolutions

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Objectifs du projet

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UN Security Council
ransitional justice issues
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Objectifs du projet

Among the questions that will be considered are:

  • What type of language has the Security Council used in what type of contexts and is such usage of language underpinned by a distinct and specific understanding of terminology?
  • What kinds of mandate has the Security Council given in this area, either by creating mechanisms or by requesting peace operations to support specific national initiatives?
  • Based on its resolutions, what type of activity or approach does the Security Council consider to be contributing to “healing and reconciliation” and to “sustainable peace”?
  • How did the measures come about?
  • Is there a coherent vision of the Security Council?
  • To what extent and how does the Security Council link questions of impunity/accountability to instability, risk of recurrence of violations, healing and reconciliation? What is the purpose expressed by the Security Council for requesting or mandating measures of accountability, transitional justice and reconciliation?
  • Are there identifiable thresholds after which the Security Council decides to act on the establishment of transitional justice measures? What have been the key triggers or influencers in action taken?
  • Is there any consistency or trend in the way that the various transitional justice measures are decided on by the Security Council?
  • Is there any language that has been avoided?