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Snow - HYDRO-CH2018 Synthesis Report Chapters: «Future Changes in Hydrology»

Textes saisis

Wasser, Studien
Water, Studies
Eaux, Études
Acque, Studi
Description succincte
Due to the great dependence on minus temperatures and precipitation, the snow cover reacts sensitively to temperatures above 0° Celsius and more or less precipitation. Due to climate change and the associated warming, the proportion of precipitation that falls as snow decreases measurably. In addition to this reduction in snowfall, the warmer temperatures also cause the snow cover to melt more quickly. The decline in snowfall has so far mainly affected lower altitudes, where winter temperatures often reach positive levels. The proportion of days with snowfall below 500 m above sea level has fallen by approx. 40% since 1961 and the water temporarily stored in the snow (snow water equivalent) in spring below 1000 m asl. even by approx. 75%.
Documents annexés
ETH Zürich, Versucheanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie, Zürich
Budget imputé
Bases légales
Art. 57 Abs. 1 RVOG | Art. 57 al. 1 LOGA. | Art. 57 cpv. 1 LOGA
Droits d'auteur
Copyright, Bundesbehörden der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft | Droits d'auteur: autorités de la Confédération suisse | Diritti d'autore: autorità della Confederazione Svizzera | Dretgs d'autur: autoritads da la Confederaziun svizra | Copyright, Swiss federal authorities
BAFU, Abteilung Hydrologie, 3003 Bern