
Research unit
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Metrology for inductive charging of electric vehicles

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Inductive charging is a promising charging technology that will be deployed by manufacturers of electric vehicles in the near future. This technology offers many advantages, such as the possibility of charging along the road while driving, small batteries and high-efficiency power transmission, as well as a reduction in CO2 emissions and oil consumption. Reliable, accurate and traceable electric power measurements are needed for inductive power transfer applications, including electric vehicle manufacturers, as they are subject to strict international requirements concerning accuracy, safety and, in the near future, energy billing.\n\nThis project will accurately measure the efficiency of inductive power transfer, and provide the means to reliably demonstrate compliance with existing safety standards for human exposure. The project will also develop the measurement tools needed in the development of high-efficiency couplers needed for inductive charging of electric vehicles. These results will support safe and efficient charging of low carbon electric vehicles.