
Skills for Jobs

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Albania; SDC; Vocational Education Training (VET), Swiss contribution to the Eastern Countries
Albania; SDC; Vocational Education Training (VET), Swiss contribution to the Eastern Countries
Albania; SDC; Vocational Education Training (VET), Swiss contribution to the Eastern Countries
Albania; SDC; Vocational Education Training (VET), Swiss contribution to the Eastern Countries
The S4J project is highly relevant and works both effectively and efficiently. Despite the relatively short period of implementation it has already achieved impressive results, in particular with regard to new teaching and learning approaches and to private sector involvement and the promotion of apprenticeships. Due to the relatively early stage of implementation its impact in terms of system development is still limited; however, its potential to play a key role in the national VET reform debate and to help shaping and modernizing the future VET system in the country, making it both, more labour-market oriented and more inclusive, is huge. The few weaknesses the reviewers could identify are mainly related to the overall design of the project as it is reflected in the Logframe. As a result of the then policy context and of interventions by the former government a clear strategy beyond the first phase is missing. Furthermore, the impact and outcome indicators are imprecisely formulated, which causes problems for the MRM system and the reporting.
Zugehörige Dokumente
The S4J project is highly relevant and works both effectively and efficiently. Despite the relatively short period of implementation it has already achieved impressive results, in particular with regard to new teaching and learning approaches and to private sector involvement and the promotion of apprenticeships. Due to the relatively early stage of implementation its impact in terms of system development is still limited; however, its potential to play a key role in the national VET reform debate and to help shaping and modernizing the future VET system in the country, making it both, more labour-market oriented and more inclusive, is huge. The few weaknesses the reviewers could identify are mainly related to the overall design of the project as it is reflected in the Logframe. As a result of the then policy context and of interventions by the former government a clear strategy beyond the first phase is missing. Furthermore, the impact and outcome indicators are imprecisely formulated, which causes problems for the MRM system and the reporting.
Zugehörige Dokumente
The S4J project is highly relevant and works both effectively and efficiently. Despite the relatively short period of implementation it has already achieved impressive results, in particular with regard to new teaching and learning approaches and to private sector involvement and the promotion of apprenticeships. Due to the relatively early stage of implementation its impact in terms of system development is still limited; however, its potential to play a key role in the national VET reform debate and to help shaping and modernizing the future VET system in the country, making it both, more labour-market oriented and more inclusive, is huge. The few weaknesses the reviewers could identify are mainly related to the overall design of the project as it is reflected in the Logframe. As a result of the then policy context and of interventions by the former government a clear strategy beyond the first phase is missing. Furthermore, the impact and outcome indicators are imprecisely formulated, which causes problems for the MRM system and the reporting.
Zugehörige Dokumente
The S4J project is highly relevant and works both effectively and efficiently. Despite the relatively short period of implementation it has already achieved impressive results, in particular with regard to new teaching and learning approaches and to private sector involvement and the promotion of apprenticeships. Due to the relatively early stage of implementation its impact in terms of system development is still limited; however, its potential to play a key role in the national VET reform debate and to help shaping and modernizing the future VET system in the country, making it both, more labour-market oriented and more inclusive, is huge. The few weaknesses the reviewers could identify are mainly related to the overall design of the project as it is reflected in the Logframe. As a result of the then policy context and of interventions by the former government a clear strategy beyond the first phase is missing. Furthermore, the impact and outcome indicators are imprecisely formulated, which causes problems for the MRM system and the reporting.
Zugehörige Dokumente
Wolfgang Schlegel (INBAS) and Dritan Mezini (DM consulting Services)
Belastetes Budget
Gesetzliche Grundlage
Art. 57 Abs. 1 RVOG | Art. 57 al. 1 LOGA. | Art. 57 cpv. 1 LOGA
Copyright, Bundesbehörden der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft | Droits d'auteur: autorités de la Confédération suisse | Diritti d'autore: autorità della Confederazione Svizzera | Dretgs d'autur: autoritads da la Confederaziun svizra | Copyright, Swiss federal authorities
SDC Western Balkans Division +41 (0)58 462 12 50 DEZA WBA