
Skills Development Project – Phase IV

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Moldova; SDC; Vocational Education Training (VET), Swiss contribution to the Eastern Countries
Moldova; SDC; Vocational Education Training (VET), Swiss contribution to the Eastern Countries
Moldova; SDC; Vocational Education Training (VET), Swiss contribution to the Eastern Countries
Moldova; SDC; Vocational Education Training (VET), Swiss contribution to the Eastern Countries
The SDP was designed to capitalise on the success and achievements of three previous phases by replicating the “Demand-Training-Job Placement” approach to new occupations in the water sector and incorporate further training as a legitimate dimension of vocational education and training. The SDP Phase IV continued to significantly contribute to the VET reform in the country. Most innovations piloted on local and regional levels have been legally approved by Centre for Vocational Education, disseminated to other colleges in the system and are thus binding. On the national level, about 5 project products have been embedded into government decisions. The external project review was conducted on 14-21 June 2018. The review team found that the project design and strategy were meaningful appropriate to the tasks. The team also concluded that the project has achieved its objectives to a high degree. However, some drawbacks related to skill acquisition in water occupations and regarding the performance of Regional Competence Centres were observed.
Zugehörige Dokumente
The SDP was designed to capitalise on the success and achievements of three previous phases by replicating the “Demand-Training-Job Placement” approach to new occupations in the water sector and incorporate further training as a legitimate dimension of vocational education and training. The SDP Phase IV continued to significantly contribute to the VET reform in the country. Most innovations piloted on local and regional levels have been legally approved by Centre for Vocational Education, disseminated to other colleges in the system and are thus binding. On the national level, about 5 project products have been embedded into government decisions. The external project review was conducted on 14-21 June 2018. The review team found that the project design and strategy were meaningful appropriate to the tasks. The team also concluded that the project has achieved its objectives to a high degree. However, some drawbacks related to skill acquisition in water occupations and regarding the performance of Regional Competence Centres were observed.
Zugehörige Dokumente
The SDP was designed to capitalise on the success and achievements of three previous phases by replicating the “Demand-Training-Job Placement” approach to new occupations in the water sector and incorporate further training as a legitimate dimension of vocational education and training. The SDP Phase IV continued to significantly contribute to the VET reform in the country. Most innovations piloted on local and regional levels have been legally approved by Centre for Vocational Education, disseminated to other colleges in the system and are thus binding. On the national level, about 5 project products have been embedded into government decisions. The external project review was conducted on 14-21 June 2018. The review team found that the project design and strategy were meaningful appropriate to the tasks. The team also concluded that the project has achieved its objectives to a high degree. However, some drawbacks related to skill acquisition in water occupations and regarding the performance of Regional Competence Centres were observed.
Zugehörige Dokumente
The SDP was designed to capitalise on the success and achievements of three previous phases by replicating the “Demand-Training-Job Placement” approach to new occupations in the water sector and incorporate further training as a legitimate dimension of vocational education and training. The SDP Phase IV continued to significantly contribute to the VET reform in the country. Most innovations piloted on local and regional levels have been legally approved by Centre for Vocational Education, disseminated to other colleges in the system and are thus binding. On the national level, about 5 project products have been embedded into government decisions. The external project review was conducted on 14-21 June 2018. The review team found that the project design and strategy were meaningful appropriate to the tasks. The team also concluded that the project has achieved its objectives to a high degree. However, some drawbacks related to skill acquisition in water occupations and regarding the performance of Regional Competence Centres were observed.
Zugehörige Dokumente
Gabriela Damian-Timosenco and Zafar Juraev
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Gesetzliche Grundlage
Art. 57 Abs. 1 RVOG | Art. 57 al. 1 LOGA. | Art. 57 cpv. 1 LOGA
Copyright, Bundesbehörden der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft | Droits d'auteur: autorités de la Confédération suisse | Diritti d'autore: autorità della Confederazione Svizzera | Dretgs d'autur: autoritads da la Confederaziun svizra | Copyright, Swiss federal authorities
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