
Research unit
Project number
Project title
Digital Vocational Education & Training (D-VET)

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Short description
Project aims

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Key words
D-VET, Prof. Dr. Dillenbourg, Leadin House Dual-T, Vocational Education and Training, HUB, EPFL
Short description

The goal of this D-VET is to maintain and further develop in Switzerland a hub of excellence devoted to the digital transformation of vocational education and training. The term 'hub of excellence' refers to the production of translational research projects that meet the EPFL standards in terms of scientific excellence, as well as to the transfer of knowledge towards all VET stakeholders, including cantonal and federal institutions. The term 'digital transformation of VET' refers to the many interactions between the digital transformation of the society and VET, namely:

- The emergence of new digital skills required on the job market and the development of efficient methods for the acquisition of these skills.
- The exploitation of digital technologies as a means of training for all VET skills, including manual skills.
- The exploitation of new data sciences methods by VET decision makers and policy makers at every level of responsibility (school, canton, nation, associations and last but not least companies).

Project aims
Institutionalisation of the Leading House Dual-T at the EPFL.