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Effects of iodine supplementation during lactation on breast milk iodine concentration and iodine nutrition in infants: A dose-response balance study

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Objectifs du projet
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Jodmangel, stillende Frauen, Säuglinge, geschätzte durchschnittliche Tagesbedarf, Muttermilch, Jod konzentration in der Muttermilch, Bilanzierungsstudie, Dosis-Wirkung


Iodine deficiency, lactating women, infants, estimated iodine requirements, breast milk, breast milk iodine concentration, balance study, dose-response

Description succincte

Gestillte Säuglinge sind auf Jod aus der Muttermilch angewiesen, aber die Jodkonzentration in der Muttermilch (BMIC) ist bei stillende Frauen in der Schweiz niedrig. Viele Länder empfehlen eine Jodsupplementierung während der Stillzeit, aber die Referenzwerte der Jodzufuhr sind schwach und die optimale Dosis ist nicht definiert.

Forschungsziele: 1) Den geschätzte durchschnittliche Tagesbedarf (EAR) für Jod während der Stillzeit zu bestimmen; 2) Die Dosis-Wirkung einer postnatalen Jod-Supplementierung auf die BMIC.

Wir werden eine randomisierte Dosis-Wirkungs-Bilanzierungsstudie in 24 ausschließlich stillenden Frauen und ihren Säuglingen durchführen. Verschiedene Joddosierungen (0, 150, 300 µg/T) werden mit einem cross-over-design bei Frauen mit einer angenommenen ausreichenden (n=12) und unzureichenden (n=12) Jodzufuhr getestet. Für jede Dosis werden wir die tägliche Jodaufnahme und -ausscheidung bei Müttern und Säuglingen messen und die Retention berechnen. Bestimmt wird die tägliche Jodeinnahme, die erforderlich ist, um eine ausreichende Jodstatus während der Stillzeit und im Säuglingsalter sicherzustellen.

Description succincte

Breastfed infants rely on iodine provided by human milk, but the breast milk iodine concentration (BMIC) of lactating women is low in many countries, including Switzerland. Iodine supplementation to lactating women is recommended in populations with inadequate iodine intake, but the scientific evidence is weak and the optimal dose is uncertain. The reference iodine intakes and optimal BMIC in lactating women are poorly defined, making the criteria for iodine deficiency and indications for iodine supplementation during lactation unclear.

Our objectives are to: 1) Define the estimated average requirement (EAR) for iodine in lactating women; 2) Assess the dose-response of iodine supplementation on BMIC in lactating women and estimate the maternal iodine intake required to ensure adequate iodine intake in breastfed infants.

We will conduct a dose-response, balance study in 24 exclusively breastfeeding women and their infants. Three iodine supplement regimens (0, 150, 300 µg/day) will be administered in random order with cross-over design in women with assumed sufficient (n=12) and insufficient (n=12) iodine intakes. We will measure daily iodine intake and excretion in mothers and infants, and calculate the iodine retention for each dose. The daily intake required to achieve positive iodine balance during lactation and infancy will be determined as well as the optimal dose needed to replete iodine deficient intakes in mothers and infants.

Objectifs du projet

The overall aim of the proposed research is to support optimal iodine nutrition in lactating women and ensure adequate iodine intake and normal infant development in breastfed infants.

Our objectives are to:

1) Define the EAR for iodine in lactating women (group A);

2) Assess the dose-response of iodine supplementation on BMIC in lactating women with habitual sufficient and insufficient iodine intake and estimate the maternal iodine intake required to ensure adequate iodine intake in breastfed infants (groups A and B);

Specifically, we will:

  1. Quantify the EAR in lactating women using the balance study technique and compare the results to the current EAR;

  2. Determine the association between maternal iodine intake, the fractional iodine excretion in breast milk and iodine balance in infants;

  3. Estimate the maternal iodine intake needed in lactating women to meet the recently proposed EAR of 72 µg/day in 2-5 mo old infants;

  4. Estimate the bioavailability of iodine in breastmilk;

  5. Evaluate iodine supplementation regimens aimed at lactating women in iodine deficient populations.

Publications / Résultats
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