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Titre du projet
Mid-Term Review Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative

Textes saisis

Ecological Organic Agriculture
Ecological Organic Agriculture
Ecological Organic Agriculture
Ecological Organic Agriculture
Description succincte
A multidisciplinary team reviewed the project in order to gain a deeper understanding of the initiative. The team held discussions with project staff, government officials, representatives of various project implementing partners and private service providers, and beneficiary farmer groups. The objective was to assess how the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative is being established in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability in relation to the AU Declaration on Organic Farming and to generate concise and actionable recommendations.
Documents annexés
Description succincte
A multidisciplinary team reviewed the project in order to gain a deeper understanding of the initiative. The team held discussions with project staff, government officials, representatives of various project implementing partners and private service providers, and beneficiary farmer groups. The objective was to assess how the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative is being established in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability in relation to the AU Declaration on Organic Farming and to generate concise and actionable recommendations.
Documents annexés
Description succincte
A multidisciplinary team reviewed the project in order to gain a deeper understanding of the initiative. The team held discussions with project staff, government officials, representatives of various project implementing partners and private service providers, and beneficiary farmer groups. The objective was to assess how the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative is being established in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability in relation to the AU Declaration on Organic Farming and to generate concise and actionable recommendations.
Documents annexés
Description succincte
A multidisciplinary team reviewed the project in order to gain a deeper understanding of the initiative. The team held discussions with project staff, government officials, representatives of various project implementing partners and private service providers, and beneficiary farmer groups. The objective was to assess how the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative is being established in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability in relation to the AU Declaration on Organic Farming and to generate concise and actionable recommendations.
Documents annexés
Budget imputé
Bases légales
Art. 57 Abs. 1 RVOG Art. 57 al. 1 LOGA Art. 57 cpv. 1 LOGA
Droits d'auteur
Copyright, Bundesbehörden der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft | Droits d'auteur: autorités de la Confédération suisse | Diritti d'autore: autorità della Confederazione Svizzera | Dretgs d'autur: autoritads da la Confederaziun svizra | Copyright, Swiss federal authorities
Global Programme Food Security / Global Cooperation