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INTENT – Interface engineering of perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells for improved performance and stability

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Description succincte
Publications / Résultats
Rapport final

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Description succincte
Perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells have been identified as a highly promising approach to overcome the efficiency limit of any single-junction technology at low production costs. However, current state-of-the-art perovskite-based solar cells have so far failed to survive to field-relevant reverse bias conditions for reasons that remain unclear. This project will clarify the mechanisms controlling this degradation and develop optimised tandem cell architectures that resist to these conditions.
Description succincte
Les cellules solaires perovskite/silicium sont particulièrement prometteuses pour surpasser à bas coûts la limite d’efficacité des technologies conventionnelles à jonction simple. Cependant, les conditions de voltages négatifs qui peuvent apparaitre sur le terrain mènent à une dégradation de ces cellules tandems pour des raisons mal comprises. Ce projet va clarifier les mécanismes qui contrôlent cette dégradation et développer de nouvelles cellules tandems résistantes à ces conditions.
Publications / Résultats

This report details the developments in the field of perovskite/crystalline silicon (c-Si) tandem solar cells at EPFL-PVLAB since the SFOE-funded Synergy project, which ended in 2017. They were obtained in the frame of the PV2050 PNR70 project. A key milestone in the development of the technology was achieved in June 2018 with the demonstration of 2-terminal monolithic perovskite/Si tandem solar cells that feature a silicon heterojunction bottom cell textured on both sides for optimal light management. This novel cell design enabled to increase the cell efficiency from 22.7% for a configuration with a bottom cell mechanically polished on its front (status at the end of the Synergy project) to 25.2% for the fully textured cell architecture. This novel tandem design opens the path towards efficiencies >30% and is directly compatible with the Si heterojunction manufacturing process. But many challenges others than purely performance-related also need to be addressed before a commercial implementation of perovskite/c-Si tandems can be envisaged, notably with respect to longterm stability. This is the topic that this new SOFE-funded project aims to tackle: improving the stability of these state-of-the-art textured tandems, notably in reverse bias conditions, conditions that have so far led to an irreversible degradation of all the tested cells at EPFL PVLAB but also elsewhere.

Documents annexés
Rapport final
Perowskit-Silicium-Tandem-Solarzellen haben sich als vielversprechende Kandidaten erwiesen, um die Effizienzbeschränkungen von Solarzellen mit nur einem Übergang bei niedrigen Produktionskosten zu überwinden. Moderne Solarzellen auf Perowskit-Basis haben jedoch bisher die Bedingungen der Sperrspannung nicht überstanden, die auftreten können, wenn ein Modul im Feld teilweise verschattet ist. Dieser Bericht fasst die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse von INTENT zusammen, die Gegenstand von mindestens zwei Veröffentlichungen sein werden, die derzeit überarbeitet werden, und beschreibt die Fortschritte, die bei der Verbesserung der Stabilität von Perowskit-Silizium-Tandems in Sperrrichtung erzielt wurden.
Rapport final
Perovskite/silicon tandems have been identified as a promising candidates to overcome the efficiency limitations of single-junction solar cells at low production cost. However, state-of-the-art perovskite-based solar cells have so far failed to survive the reverse bias conditions that may occur when a module is partially shaded in the field. The aim of this project was to clarify the mechanisms controlling this degradation and to develop optimized tandem cell architectures with greater resilience to partial-shading conditions.This report summarises the scientific outcomes of INTENT, which will be the subject of at least two publications currently under revision, and details the progress made towards improving the reverse-bias stability of perovskite/silicon tandems.
Documents annexés
Rapport final
Les cellules tandems pérovskite/silicium ont été identifiées comme des candidats prometteurs pour surmonter les limites d'efficacité des cellules solaires à simple jonction à un faible coût de production. Cependant, les cellules solaires de pointe à base de pérovskite n'ont pas réussi jusqu'à présent à survivre aux conditions de polarisation inverse qui peuvent se produire lorsqu'un module est partiellement ombragé sur le terrain. Ce rapport résume les résultats scientifiques d'INTENT, qui feront l'objet d'au moins deux publications actuellement en cours de révision, et détaille les progrès réalisés dans l'amélioration de la stabilité du polarisation inverse des tandems pérovskite/silicium.