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Conducting research in Shan state

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Objectifs du projet

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Description succincte

The Center for Diversity and National Harmony was established in January 2013 with a presidential decree. Through its cooperation with the Center, Switzerland continues its support to ongoing monitoring of intercommunal relations in Myanmar and to the expansion of reconciliation meetings between religions and ethnie communities in Myanmar. Within this framework, this two-fold research aims at gathering reliable information on the social and cultural challenges for the peace process in the very diverse area of Shan state by conducting systematic surveys on public opinion and social harmony.

Objectifs du projet

As part of a larger goal of peace promotion in Myanmar, this project’s aim is to improve the relations between the ethnie and religious groupe, which in turn should help prevent further use of violence by the different groupe.

By conducting systematic qualitative and quantitative research, CNDH seeks to gather accurate data on the public opinions of Shan state’s diverse citizenry at a time of immense political transition. The collection and diffusion of this information should then serve to foster mutual comprehension within the population and to croate a better social cohesion. It will also enable the policy makers to better understand the social dynamics involved in this state as well as the specific needs of its various ethnie groupe.

The survey will address two aspects:

I.The Political Processes (PP):

CNDH’s research seeks to assess ongoing state-building, nation-building and peace-building processes as seen through the eyes of the citizens, with the aim of increasing the availability of information and airing of opinions in as transparent a manner as possible.

2.Social Harmonv (SH)

The great cultural heterogeneity among Myanmar’s population asks the question of mutual understanding and cohésion between the groupe. This research should enable various stakeholders to reach a more nuanced understanding of the challenges in accommodating Myanmar’s diversity.