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Fish Welfare Assessment (FiWA) in Swiss Aquaculture
Titre du projet anglais
Fish Welfare Assessment (FiWA) in Swiss Aquaculture

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Description succincte
Objectifs du projet
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)

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Fisch Wohlbefinden, Schweizer Aquakultur, Bayesische Modelle, online tool Entwicklung
Fish welfare, Swiss aquaculture, Bayesian modeling, online tool development
Description succincte

Das öffentliche Interesse am Tierwohl und der Einhaltung von Tierschutznormen in der Aquakultur in der Schweiz steigt stetig, da die Konsumenten vermehrt für Themen wie Produktqualität und Tierschutz sensibilisiert werden [1,2]. Die Hauptforderungen beim Tierwohl schliessen die Abwesenheit von Schmerz, Furcht, Durst und Hunger mit ein, obwohl diese Zustände bei Wildfischen unter normalen Lebensbedingungen zeitweise auftreten können. Was sollte also für Fische in der Aquakultur gefordert werden? Neuere Publikationen wie z.B. der Bericht zum ethischen Umgang mit Fischen [3] geben hierzu bereits erste Antworten. Weitere Forschung ist jedoch dringend notwendig. Das vorliegende Projekt wird ein Modell entwerfen, anhand dessen das Wohlbefinden von Fischen in der Schweizer Aquakultur abgeschätzt werden kann. Es wird Anwendung finden, wenn es darum geht optimale Haltungsbedingungen für Fische in der Aquakultur festzulegen und kann von veterinärmedizinischen Behörden verwendet werden um das Fischwohlbefinden anlässlich von Kontrollen auf Fischzuchtbetrieben zu bestimmen.

Description succincte

As a consequence of the growing concern for the quality of the products for human consumption and the well-being of fish as animals per se [1,2] the public interest in fish welfare in aquaculture has increased constantly in the last years. The main demands on animal husbandry is that animals kept under artificial conditions should neither encounter pain nor fear, thirst or hunger although part of these motivational affective states belong to the “normal” periodically occurring conditions of wild animals including fish. The question therefore is: which welfare conditions (and therefore guidelines) should be recommended for fish in aquaculture? Recently published reports such as the report on ethical handling of fish already addressed a part of this problem [3]. However, an easy to use tool that will enable stakeholders to assess fish welfare conditions in aquaculture facilities is still missing. The present project aims to develop such a model for the calculation of the well-being of fish, especially in Swiss fish farms. This will provide an easy and reliable check-up tool for veterinarians involved in surveillance of aquaculture facilities to assess fish welfare and will also foster the improvement of rearing practice of fish in aquaculture in the future.

Objectifs du projet

The objectives are:

  • to develop a model that allows to assess the fish welfare index (as described in the appendix) in fish farms by using water quality-/management-based (here summarized as abiotic indicators) and fish-based indicators (called biotic indicators). This will include fish species for which some recommendations for rearing in aquaculture in Switzerland already exist (mainly salmonid species) as well as species which have recently been introduced for farming e.g. percids. Especially for the latter species allowable mandatory rearing conditions have not yet been defined in the Swiss legislation
  • to validate the model and refine the fitting of the estimated welfare indices for Swiss fish farms
  • to publish the results in peer-reviewed journals
  • to develop the model further into an online-based tool for fish welfare assessment for relevant authorities and fish farmers
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Documents annexés