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Enhanced diagnosis and control of Aethina tumida
Titre du projet anglais
Enhanced diagnosis and control of Aethina tumida

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Aethina tumida, Apis mellifera, Diagnose,  Kleiner Beutenkäfer, Kontrolle, Massenvermehrung.


Aethina tumida, Apis mellifera, control, diagnosis,  mass reproduction, PCR,  small hive beetle.

Description succincte
Diagnose und Kontrolle des Kleinen Beutenkäfers (KBK) sind Grundlagen, aber momentane Wissenslücken limitieren den Erfolg der integrierten Schädlingsbekämpfung. Hier werden wir diese Lücken füllen mit der Entwicklung einer effizienten qPCR Diagnostikmethode und mit Hilfe von Feldarbeit in den USA. Diagnose mit Schäfer et al Streifen wird in Völkern mit offenen und mit geschlossenen Bodenbrettern durchgeführt, um den Datenvergleich zwischen diesen CH Beutentypen zu ermöglichen. KBK Fallen zwischen den Rähmchen werden kombiniert mit verbesserten Bodenbrettfallen (West Beatle Trap ohne Mineralöl, aber mit Klebestreifen), um die Anzahl Käfer in infizierten Feldvölkern besser zu kontrollieren. KBK Massenvermehrung in Völkern ist destruktiv, aber bislang nicht ausreichend verstanden. Wir werden Beobachtungsstockexperimente durchführen, um die Faktoren für die Massenvermehrung besser zu verstehen (z.B. Berühren von Waben). Unsere Ergebnisse werden die Diagnose und Kontrolle des KBK verbessern.
Description succincte
Small hive beetle (= SHB) diagnosis and control are basics, but there are problems with the PCR diagnostics and gaps in our knowledge limiting the success of integrated pest management. Here, we will fill these gaps by developing an efficient qPCR diagnosis and by conducting field work in the USA. Diagnostics in colonies will be conducted using Schäfer et al strips in hives with and without open bottom boards to enable comparison between these two CH hive types. SHB traps in between frames (Beetle Eaters) will be combined with enhanced bottom board traps (West Beetle Traps without mineral oil, but with adhesive sticky material) to better limit beetle numbers in field colonies. SHB mass reproduction in colonies is the most destructive part but knowledge is limited why it occurs and how it can be prevented. We will conduct observation hives experiments to better understand the factors governing SHB mass reproduction, incl. touching of frames, thereby excluding bees from certain areas of the frames. The results will lead to enhanced diagnosis and control of SHB.
Objectifs du projet
In the first step of the project a state of the art molecular diagnostic tool will be developed, thereby enabling confirmation of SHB eggs, larvae and adults via PCR in the laboratory. The project will enable to compare data obtained with Schäfer et al diagnostics strips from hives with closed bottom boards with those hives having open ones (e.g. mesh wire). The enhanced combination of Beetle Eaters between frames with modified bottom board traps will enable enhanced SHB control in CH field colonies. Finally, a better understanding of the factors enabling destructive SHB mass reproduction in colonies will substantially contribute to pest control.
Publications / Résultats

* = degree anticipated

Franck Ouessou Idrissou (2018*) Invasion pathways and population genetics of small hive beetles, Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). PhD thesis, University of Bern

Ouessou Idrissou F, Huang Q, Yañez O, Lawrence Akinwande K, Neumann P (2018) PCR diagnosis of small hive beetles. Insects 9(24): 1-7. doi:10.3390/insects9010024.

Global movement of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray) using DNA evidence. Oral presentation by Franck Ouessou Idrissou at BEECON 2017, Piacenza, Italy, 2017

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