Ghaye J, Kamat MA, Corbino-Giunta L, Silacci P, Vergères G, De Micheli G, Carrara S. (2013) “Image thresholding techniques for localization of sub-resolution fluorescent biomarkers” Cytometry Part A. In the Press
Vergères G, Gille D. (2013) „Nutri(epi)genomik“ In: Lux, V. & Richter, J.T. (Hrsg.). Kulturelle Faktoren der Vererbung. Reihe ZfL-Interjekte, Nr. 3, Berlin: Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, pp 8-13. In the Press
Vergères G. (2013) “Nutrigenomics - Linking food to human metabolism” Trends Food Sci. Tech. 31, 6-12
Ramadan Q, Jafarpoorchekab H, Huang C, Silacci P, Carrara S, Koklü G, Ghaye J, Ramsden J, Ruffert C, Vergères G, Gijs MA. (2013) “NutriChip: nutrition analysis meets microfluidics”. Lab Chip. 13, 196-203
Sagaya F, Hurrell R, Vergères G. (2012) “Postprandial blood cell transcriptomics in response to the ingestion of dairy products by healthy individuals”. J. Nutr. Biochem. 23, 1701-1715
Vergères G, Bogicevic B, Buri C, Carrara S, Chollet M, Corbino-Giunta L, Egger L, Gille D, Kopf-Bolanz K, Laederach K, Portmann R, Ramadan Q, Ramsden J, Schwander F, Silacci P, Walther B, Gijs M. (2012) The NutriChip project—translating technology into nutritional knowledge. Br J Nutr. 108:762-768
Walther B, Gille D, Vergères G (2012) „Nutrigenomik – State of the Art“ Schweizer Zeitschrift für Ernährungsmedizin. 1/12, 1-5
Kopf-Bolanz K, Schwander F, Gijs M, Vergères G, Portmann R, Egger L. (2011) “Validation of an in vitro digestive system for studying macronutrient decomposition in humans”. J. Nutr. 142, 245-250
Vergères G. (2010) “From molecular nutrition to nutritional systems biology“ in Epigenetics and human health – Linking hereditary, environmental and nutritional aspects“ (Haslberger AG, ed) Verlag Wiley-VCH, pp 127-140
Vergères G, Sagaya F. (2009) “Comment nos gènes réagissent-ils à l’alimentation ?“ in Recherche et alimentation en dialogue (Schärer-Züblin EV, ed) Fondation Alimentarium, Verlag Wiley-Blackwell, pp225-230