Bereich Ethologie - Haltung
Bachmann I., Stauffacher M., 2002. Haltung und Nutzung von Pferden in der Schweiz: Eine repräsentative Erfassung des Status quo. Schweiz. Arch Tierheilk., 144, 331-347.
Briefer S., Briefer E., von Niederhäusern R., Bachmann I., 2013. Pattern of Social Interactions after Group Integration: A Possibility to Keep Stallions in Group. PLoS ONE ; 8(1) e54688
Hausberger M., Gautier E., Biquand V., Lunel C., Jégo P. (2009): Could work be a source of behavioural disorders? A study in horses. PLoS ONE; 4(10): e7625.
Knubben J., Gygax L., Stauffacher M. (2008): Pferde in der Schweiz: Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Befragung zu Populationszusammensetzung, Haltung und Nutzung im Jahr 2004. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk., 150, 387-397.
König v. Borstel U. (2013): Assessing and influencingpersonality for improvement of animal welfare: a review of equine studies. CAB Reviews 8, No. 006
Sankey C., Richard-Yris M.-A., Henry S., Fureix C., Nassur F., Hausberger M. (2010): Reinforcement as a mediator of the perception of humans by horses (Equuscaballus). AnimCogn. 2010;13:753–64
Visser E.K., van Dierendonck M., Ellis A.D., Rijksen C., van Reenen C.G. (2009): A comparison of sympathetic and conventional training methods on responses to initial horse training. The Veterinary Journal 181, 48-52.
Bereich Zucht
Andersson LS, Larhammar M, Memic F, Wootz H, Schwochow D, et al. (2012) Mutations in DMRT3 affect locomotion in horses and spinal circuit function in mice. Nature 488: 642-646.
FAO (2007) The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Rome.
Hayes BJ, Bowman PJ, Charmberlain AJ, Goddard ME (2009) Genomic selection in dairy cattle: Progress and challenges. J Dairy Sci 92: 433-443.
Hayes BJ, Pryce J, Chamberlain AJ, Bowman PJ, Goddard ME (2010) Genetic architecture of complex traits and accuracy of genomic prediction: coat colour, milk-fat percentage, and type in Holstein cattle as contrasting model traits. PLoS Genet 6: e1001139.
Hasler, H.; Flury, C.; Menet, S.; Haase, B.; Leeb, T.; Simianer, H. et al. (2011): Genetic diversity in an indigenous horse breed - implications for mating strategies and the control of future inbreeding. In: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL BREEDING AND GENETICS, H. 128, 5, S. 394-406.
Petersen, J. L.; Mickelson, J. R.; Cothran, E. G.; Andersson, L. S.; Axelsson, J.; Bailey, E. et al. (2013a): Genetic diversity in the modern horse illustrated from genome-wide SNP data. In: PLoSOne, Jg. 8, H. 1, S. e54997. Online verfügbar unter doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054997.
Petersen, J. L.; Mickelson, J. R.; Rendahl, A. K.; Valberg, S. J.; Andersson, L. S.; Axelsson, J. et al. (2013b): Genome-wide analysis reveals selection for important traits in domestic horse breeds. In: PLoSgenetics, Jg. 9, H. 1, S. e1003211. Online verfügbar unter doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003211.
Signer-Hasler, H.; Flury, C.; Haase B.; Burger D.; Simianer H.; Leeb T.; Rieder S. (2012): A genome-wide association study reveals loci influencing height and other conformation traits in horses. In: PLoS One, Jg. 7, H. 5, S. e37282.