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Baroffio, C, P. Richoz, B. Arriagada, S. Kuske, G. Brand, S. Fischer, Ch Linder, J. Samietz, and P. Kehrli. "Surveillance De Drosophila Suzukii: Bilan De L'année 2012." Revue suisse de viticulture, arboriculture, horticulture 45, no. 4 (2013): 212-18.
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Crespo, Pamela, Jordi Giné Bordonaba, Leon A. Terry, and Christoph Carlen. "Characterisation of Major Taste and Health-Related Compounds of Four Strawberry Genotypes Grown at Different Swiss Production Sites." Food Chemistry 122, no. 1 (2010): 16-24.
Josuttis, M., C. Carlen, P. Crespo, R. Nestby, T.B. Toldam-Andersen, H. Dietrich, and E. Krüger. "A Comparison of Bioactive Compounds of Strawberry Fruit from Europe Affected by Genotype and Latitude. ." Journal of Berry Research 2 (2012): 73-95.
Kehrli, P., S. Kuske, C. Baroffio, S. Fischer, Ch. Linder, P. Richoz, and J. Samietz. "Kirschessigfliege, Neu in Der Schweiz." Schweiz. Z. Obst-Weinbau 149, no. 4 (2013): 8-13.
Krüger, E., M. Josuttis, R. Nestby, T.B. Toldam-Andersen, C. Carlen, and B. Mezzetti. "Influence of Growing Conditions at Different Latitudes of Europe on Strawberry Growth Performance, Yield and Quality. ." Journal of Berry Research 2 (2012): 143-57.
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Sigg, S., X. Simonnet, W. Heller, and C. Carlen. "Désinfection À La Vapeur Aérée, Une Solution Pour Les Semences Biologiques De Plantes Aromatiques Et Médicinales?". Revue suisse de viticulture, arboriculture, horticulture 44, no. 3 (2012): 170-77.
Vouillamoz, J., C.-A. Carron, P. Malnoe, C. Baroffio, and C. Carlen. "Rhodiola Rosea 'Mattmark', the First Synthetic Cultivar Is Launched in Switzerland.". Acta Horticulturae 955 (2012): 185-90.