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IEA SHC Task 41 'Solar Energy and Architecture'- Direction de la sous-tâche A 'Criteria for architectural integration'

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Publications / Results
Final report

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Short description
IEA SHC Task 41 'Solar Energy and Architecture'- Direction de la sous-tâche A 'Criteria for architectural integration'
Publications / Results
This report forms part of IEA‐SHC Task 41: Solar Energy and Architecture, specifically Subtask B: Methods and Tools for Solar Design. After a literature review of former studies made between 1993 and 2011, the international survey Design Process for Solar Architecture, conducted in 2010 within Task 41 is presented and analyzed. Professionals in 14 countries were contacted and questioned about their use of digital tools for solar design and related themes, such as, barriers for the use of digital tools or their design process. In addition, general data concerning the firm (size, type of buildings) and personal facts (age, experience, profession) was collected. The response rate was less than hoped; nevertheless, this report points out that there is a high awareness of the importance of solar energy use in buildings, but that there are still a number of barriers to the widespread application of digital tools during the design process. The survey affirms results of former investigations by others presented in literature review that widely accepted solar design software packages adequate for use by architects in the early design phase are still lacking. The identification of opportunities and obstacles, special requirements expressed by professionals and suggestions for improvements will help formulate the next program of work, which will involve the development of guidelines for both professionals and software tool developers in order to support design methods and enhance the use of solar energy in building projects.

IEA International Energy Agency

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Final report
The main goals of the Task are to help achieving high quality architecture for buildings integrating solar energy systems, as well as improving the qualifications of the architects, their communications and interactions with engineers, manufactures and clients. This year one final meeting has taken place (Lisbon) and the three Subtasks have mostly completed their planned work. As Subtask leaders, we contributed in co-organising this meeting and conducting the sessions dedicated to Subtask A. The LESO has prepared the template for the website dedicated to innovative products (DA6). After approbation of its content by the participants in Lisbon, the site has been established and finalised, and was put on-line starting October 2012. The LESO has finalised the edition of the main deliverable DA2 proposed by Subtask A, as well as the sheets used to report on good examples, for innovative products and for building integrations. The deliverable DA3 "Criteria and guidelines for product and system developers" has been split into two separate publications for PV and ST. As sole author of the DA3 ST part, the LESO is in the finalisation phase for ExCo approval. The LESO has contributed to three workshops organised in conjunction with the main meet-ing, presenting original work on acceptability criteria for active solar systems (Lisbon, Montreal and Copenhagen). The participation to a working group dedicated to the preparation of a new Task proposal on interactions of urban planning and solar energy has also represented an important contribution (on own funding).


Final report
Le but principal du LESO en tant qu’Institut responsable d’une Sous-Tâche a été d’assurer le bon déroulement de la Sous-Tâche A de manière générale, en assumant le rôle accepté par la Suisse, et donc de promouvoir l’usage de l’énergie solaire active dans le cadre d’une architecture de qualité.  Au niveau de la contribution comme participant, un important travail de développement des concepts à présenter dans les divers canaux prévus (livres, cours, web…) a été effectué, basé sur les connaissances acquises lors du travail de thèse de Mme. Munari Probst.  
Pour la Suisse, on attendait les résultats suivants :
- une amélioration sensible de la formation et post-formation des architectes 
- une meilleure connaissance de la demande des architectes pour les fabricants suisses de capteurs
- des compétences et une vision générale du problème à offrir aux autorités délivrant autorisations, permis et subventions
- une meilleure visibilité et plusieurs inputs nouveaux pour les auteurs de logiciels
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