Normen, Richtlinien und Forschungen:
[1] BUWAL, ASTRA: Leitfaden zum Vollzug der Störfallverordnung bei Nationalstrassen. 2000.
[2] NFPA 502 : Standard for Road Tunnels, Bridges and Other Limited Access Highways. 2008 Edition.
[3] Both, K.: “UPTUN: Cost effective sustainable and innovative Upgrading Methods for Fire Safety in existing Tunnels”, Enlightened Underground - Underground Space Challenges in Urban Development, Amsterdam, January 2008.
[4] UPTUN: Evaluation of Current Mitigation Technologies in Existing Tunnels, Work Package 2 of the Research Project UPTUN of the European Commission, Report 752, Document D231, July 2006.
[5] ASTRA 13 001, „Lüftung der Strassentunnel“, Ausgabe V2.01
– Ferner werden alle relevanten SN-Normen und aktuellen Schweizer Forschungen berücksichtigt.
Internationale Empfehlungen:
[6] AIPCR/PIARC: Maîtrise des incendies et des fumées dans les tunnels routiers. Fire and Smoke Control in Road Tunnels. 1999.
[7] AIPCR/PIARC: Systems and equipment for fire and smoke control in road tunnels. 2004.
[8] AIPCR/PIARC: Road tunnels: An Assessment for fixed fire fighting systems, PIARC technical Committee C3.3 Road tunnel operations. 2008
Übersichten und allgemeine Grundlagen:
[9] M. Bettelini: “Managing the longitudinal air velocity in long road tunnels”. 13th Int. Symp. “Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels”, BHR Group, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, 13-15 May 2009.
[10] M. Bettelini, N. Seifert: “On the Safety of Short Road tunnels”. 5th International Conference ‘Tunnel Safety and Ventilation’ 2010, Graz.
[11] F. Zumsteg, U. Steinemann (2006); Ventilation of short road tunnels in case of an incident; in International Conference Tunnel Safety and Ventilation, 2006, Graz.
[12] J. Albrecht: „Paradigmenwechsel bei öffentlichen Investitionen“ / „Lebenszykluskosten von öffentlichen Bauten Anlagen und Infrastrukturen“; SKR 4/2007
[13] J. Albrecht: „Management der Sachanlagen“ – Teile 1 bis 3; Object and FM – Solutions, 2008
[14] A.A. Rafi: Gesamtkostensystem; -Entscheidungsgrundlage für das Management der Strassenerhaltung; UVEK/ASTRA 12.2001
[15] M. Bettelini: "Tunnel Fires Active Risk Reduction", Post Graduate Course Risk & Safety, ETH Zurich, EPF Lausanne, University St. Gallen, September 2002.
[16] Lüdi, Hugues: Risk Management, Unveröffentlichte Fallbeispiele 1990 - 2008
[17] NFPA: „The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering“.
[18] NFPA: „Fire Protection Handbook“.
[19] A. Beard and R. Carvel: „The handbook of fire protection engineering“, Thomas Telford.
[20] D. Drysdale: „An Introduction to Fire Dynamics“, Wiley.
[21] T.K. Fannelöp: Fluid Mechanics for Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection. Elsevier, 1994.
Spezifische Grundlagen:
[22] Technische Dokumentationen der Anbieter von Brand- und Rauchgasvorhängen sowie ähnlicher Vorrichtungen
[23] D. Öttl, P. Sturm, R. Almbauer, W. Öttl, A. Thurner, G. Seitlinger: A new system to reduce the velocity of the air flow in the case of fire. International Conference “Tunnel Safety and Ventilation”, 8-10 April 2002, Graz.
[24] W. van Sprolant, „Folding anti-smoke escape gallery (GEPE system) in tunnel demonstration”, 2004.
[25] Tiefbauamt Graubünden, Info Nr. 73 Sept. 2006.
[26] J.P. Kunsch: Critical velocity and range of a fire-gas plume in a ventilated tunnel. Atmospheric Environment 33 (1999), pp. 13-24. Pergamon.
[27] J.P. Kunsch: Simple model for control of fire gases in a ventilated tunnel. Fire Safety Journal 37 (2002), pp. 67-81. Elsevier.
[28] W.D. Kennedy: Critical Velocity: Past, Present and Future. Seminar Smoke and Critical Velocity in Tunnels, London, UK, 2 April 1996.
[39] Liu, Z. G., Kashef, A., Lougheed, G. and A. K. Kim (2007), “Challenges for Use of Fixed Fire Suppression Systems in Road Tunnel Fire Protection”, Suppression and Detection Research Applications – A Technical Working Conference (SUPDET 2007), Orlando, Florida, March 5-8, 2007.
[30] A.G. Bendelius, A.S. Caserta: The Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Program. PIARC World Congress 1999, Kuala Lumpur, October 1999.
[31] A. Haerter: Fire Tests in the Ofenegg Tunnel in 1965. International Conference on Fires in Tunnels, Borås (Sweden), 10-11 October 1994.
[32] EUREKA 499 (Firetun) Report: Fires in Transport tunnels – Report on full-scale tests. Edited by Studiengesellschaft Stahlanwendung e.V., Düsseldorf, April 1996.
[33] STUVA – Studiengesellschaft für unterirdische Verkehrsanlagen e.V.: Brandversuche im Markusbergtunnel zur Überprüfung der Sicherheitseinrichtungen und der Lüftungsanlagen. April 2004.
Reelle Tunnelbrände:
[34] M. Marec, P. Cialdini, P. Duffé: Rapporto comune delle commissioni amministrative di inchiesta tecnica italiana e francese relativa alla catastrofe avvenuta il 24 marzo 1999 nel traforo del Monte Bianco - Rapport commun des missions administratives d’enquête technique française et italienne relatif à la catastrophe survenue le 24 mars 1999 dans le tunnel du Mont Blanc. 6 July 1999.
[35] G. Eberl: The Tauern Tunnel Incident. What happened and what has been learned. Safety in Road and Rail Tunnels. Madrid, 2-6- April 2001.
[36] K. Pucher: Fire in the Tauern Tunnel. Int. Tunnel Fire and Safety Conference. Rotterdam, 2-3 Dec. 1999.
[37] M. Borghi, A. Perugini: Management of a disaster and responsibility – Lessons and normative proposals derived from the accident of Actober 24 2001 in the St. gotthard road tunnel, 2002.
[38] N. Riley, A. Lelland: A Review of Incidents Involving Hazardous Materials in Road and Rail tunnels. Safety in Road and Rail Tunnels. Granada, 3-6- April 1995.
Tagungen und Kongresse:
– BHR-Tagungen: „Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels“
– Tagungen Graz: „Tunnel Safety and Ventilation“
Weitere Tagungen, z.B. von ITC; VDI/VDEh; Swiss Engineering u.a.