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Hoch begabt und "nur" Lehrling

Textes relatifs à ce projet

Description succincte
Objectifs du projet
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Mise en oeuvre et application
Publications / Résultats

Textes saisis

Hochbegabung, Berufsbildung, Begabtenförderung, Identifikation, berufliche Begabung, praktische Begabung, Leistungsexzellenz
Giftedness, vocational education and training, professional training, promotion of the gifted, identification, practical promotion, excellence of performance
Surdouance, formation professionnelle, apprentissage, encouragement des sourdoués, identification, talent professionel, talent pratique, excellence de performance
Description succincte
Das auf drei Jahre angelegte Forschungsprojekt untersucht die Leistungen von 200 besonders befähigten Jugendlichen auf dem Weg in die und während der Berufslehre und ver-gleicht sie mit 200 Jugendlichen, welche lediglich über durchschnittliche Fähigkeitsprofilen verfügen. Gefragt wird, in welchem Ausmass die besonders Befähigten in der Lage sind, ihr Potenzial in Leistungsexzellenz umzusetzen und mit welchen Fördermassnahmen Lehrbe-triebe und Berufsschulen darauf reagieren.
Description succincte
The project aims to study the performance of 200 particularly talented young people over a time span of three years. They shall be accompanied during their professional training / apprenticeship in order to enable the comparison of their performance with the results found among 200 young people of average skill profiles. The project asks to which extend the focus group is able to transform its capacity potential into excellent performance. Further-more, it inquires into the supporting strategies of teaching and apprenticeship organisations in dealing with this phenomenon.
Objectifs du projet
The project pursues a three-fold objective. First, it focuses on the theory building for the development (was will man genau entwickeln?) and support of particularly talented young people (allgemein oder in ausbildung?). Second, it aims to the diagnostics (identification) and third to generating supporting measures as a possible basis from which to develop an educational science within the traineeship/apprenticeship domain.
Objectifs du projet
The project pursues a three-fold objective. First, it focuses on the theory building for the development (was will man genau entwickeln?) and support of particularly talented young people (allgemein oder in ausbildung?). Second, it aims to the diagnostics (identification) and third to generating supporting measures as a possible basis from which to develop an educational science within the traineeship/apprenticeship domain.
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Mise en oeuvre et application
The practical benefit of this project consists in the development of a tool for the diagnostics of particularly talented young people in professional training and apprenticeship. In addition, an operational supporting strategy to be provided to teaching personnel and professional trainers shall be designed.
Publications / Résultats