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PV-EC-NET: Thematic network for coordination of european and national RTD programmes for photovoltaic solar energy
Titre du projet anglais
PV-EC-NET: Thematic network for coordination of european and national RTD programmes for photovoltaic solar energy

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Autre Numéro de projet
Programme de recherche
Description succincte
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Références bases de données

Textes saisis

Economic Aspects; Energy Saving; Renewable Sources of Energy
Autre Numéro de projet
EU project number: ENK6-2001-80578
Programme de recherche
EU-programme: 5. Frame Research Programme - 1.4b.8 Generic R&D activities
Description succincte
See abstract
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
PV-EC-NET is a Thematic Network of the representatives of the national RTD programmes for Photovoltaic Solar Energy (PV) of the EU Member States and two EU Associated States. The main target of PV-EC-NET is to improve the coherence of t he PV RTD programmes within EU in order to increase the efficiency of the national and EC RTD budgets, now at 120 MEuro in total. To achieve this PV-EC-NET will implement an information network and perform a benchmark of the programmes. This information will then be used for the analysis of the position of EU in the world PV market. Based on this, PV-EC-NET will formulate a Common European PV RTD Strategy and prepare recommendations for future European Thematic Networks and Target and Key actions. In doing so, PV-EC-NET will address all aspects of PV RT D, including environmental issues (LCA' s), large-scale implementation and grid connection.

The main objective of the PV-EC-NET is the improvement of the efficiency of the EC and EU national Photovoltaic (PV) RTD programmes by increasing the coherence of these programmes and improving the exchange of information concerning the programmes and other activities in the field of PV. A second and really important objective is the determination of the position of the EU in the world PV market, including the strengths weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the EU PV industry. Finally a common European PV RTD strategy will be formulated, as well as a set o f recommendations for the EC and the EU national governments concerning target and key actions for future programmes.
Références bases de données
Swiss Database: Euro-DB of the
State Secretariat for Education and Research
Hallwylstrasse 4
CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland
Tel. +41 31 322 74 82
Swiss Project-Number: 01.0190