
REMAC 2000: Renewable energy market accelerator 2000
Projekttitel Englisch
REMAC 2000: Renewable energy market accelerator 2000

Texte zu diesem Projekt

Alternative Projektnummern
Partner und Internationale Organisationen

Erfasste Texte

Renewable energy technology; market acceleration; electricity; policy
Alternative Projektnummern
EU project number: NNE5-2000-00012
EU-programme: 5. Frame Research Programme - 1.4b.2 Economic and efficient energy for a competitive Europe
See abstract
Partner und Internationale Organisationen
Coordinator: CESI, Milano (I)
The purpose of the REMAC 2000 project is to identify policies and strategies that are suitable for accelerating the growth of renewable energy (RE) markets in the European Union member states, Europe and world wide. This aim is being pursued through a co-ordinated series of activities, which also engages senior decision makers from public administrations and the RE industry in exploring new market stimulation initiatives.
The project is carried out by a team of experts from CESI (Italy -co-ordinator), NET (Switzerland), ECN (The Netherlands) and CNRS-IEPE (France), with sponsorship from the European Commission, the International Energy Agency (lEA), the Swiss Government and the RE industry (BP Solar). The project is therefore also a demonstration of closer working between the European Union, other Governments, t he I EA and t he RE industry on the development of guidelines for enhancing the European and global markets for renewable energy.
As building blocks, the project team is collating the most recent data on RE technologies, markets, and costs. The project is also exploring the implications of the major changes and restructuring that have been taking place in the RE industry and in energy markets during the past few years. These changes, together with the emerging activities and mechanisms from the Kyoto Protocol, are expected to have significant impacts on future growth of RE markets.
The project is also reviewing the extent to which all these changes and mechanisms have been taken into account in the existing models for forecasting future RE markets. Gaps or uncertainties will be identified, and recommendations made for how to address these aspects in the future.
Lastly, the project will develop a Roadmap, namely a list of priority policies and actions needed to accelerate the market growth in order to attain the targets deemed as feasible over the next 20 years.
The project is managed through four technical Work Packages:
.WP 1: Impact of Technology Developments and Cost Reductions on RE Market Growth (WP Leader NET)
.WP 2: Impact of Industry Developments on RE Market Growth (WP Leader CESI) .WP 3: Impact of Market Developments on RE Market Growth (WP Leader ECN)
.WP 4: Market Acceleration Policies, Business Strategies and Roadmap (WP Leader CESI)
In the first project year, extensive data has been collected on the impact of technology, industry and market developments on cost reductions and RE market growth through literature review, interviews and experts meetings. It was also decided that renewable energy based electricity generation is focused. Comprehensive documents will be presented at a workshop in Paris on April 12, 2002, to the main stakeholders of the RE electricity industry and policy and subsequently market acceleration policies, business strategies and a roadmap will be drawn.
Swiss Database: Euro-DB of the
State Secretariat for Education and Research
Hallwylstrasse 4
CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland
Tel. +41 31 322 74 82
Swiss Project-Number: 00.0088