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CARROUSO: Creating, assessing and rendering in real time of high quality audio-visual environments in MPEG-4 context
Titre du projet anglais
CARROUSO: Creating, assessing and rendering in real time of high quality audio-visual environments in MPEG-4 context

Textes relatifs à ce projet

Autre Numéro de projet
Programme de recherche
Description succincte
Partenaires et organisations internationales
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
Références bases de données

Textes saisis

Audio; video; transmission; audio coding; rendering; recording; MPEG-4; DVB; auditory virtual environments; wave field synthesis; WFS; distributed mode loudspeakers; DML;
Information; Media; Information Processing; Information Systems
Autre Numéro de projet
EU project number: IST-1999-20993
Programme de recherche
EU-programme: 5. Frame Research Programme - 1.2.3 Multimedia content and tools
Description succincte
See abstract
Partenaires et organisations internationales
Coordinator: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (D)
Résumé des résultats (Abstract)
The CARROUSO project addresses the problem how to transfer sound fields, generated at a certain real or virtual space, to another usually remote located space. The system will have an enlarged listening area and will be more flexible in respect to the number and the configuration of loudspeakers. The activities concentrate on the development and implementation of key components for recording, transmission (including coding) and rendering. The transmission and coding will be based on MPEG and digital video broadcasting (DVB) technology.
The main objectives of the CARROUSO project are:1) to specify, develop, implement and validate a new technology that enables to transfer a sound field, generated at a certain real or virtual space, to another usually remote located space, this with full interactive control of its perceptually relevant natural temporal and spatial properties, especially in combination with the transmission of visual data. 2) to specify, develop, implement and validate new modelling, recording, encoding, decoding and rendering techniques for audio signals enabling the aforementioned technology.3) to build a real time demonstrator for the aforementioned technology.4) to define and monitor performance levels of the technology in perceptual experiments using the aforementioned demonstrator.
Références bases de données
Swiss Database: Euro-DB of the
State Secretariat for Education and Research
Hallwylstrasse 4
CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland
Tel. +41 31 322 74 82
Swiss Project-Number: 00.0048-2