Login for registered ARAMIS users
You do not have the authorisation required to display this project, or the project cannot be displayed for some other reason. If possible, login with an account with the authorisation required.
Only registered ARAMIS users can "login" to the application. At present, only employees of ARAMIS research units involved in ARAMIS research projects can register as ARAMIS users.
Persons meeting the above criteria can apply for access to ARAMIS by completing the form at www.aramis.admin.ch/Zugriffantrag.
The ARAMIS Competence Centre is happy to answer any questions you may have.
State Secretariat for Education and Research and Innovation SERI
ARAMIS Competence Center
Einsteinstrasse 2
3003 Bern
Phone: +41 58 46 39494
E-Mail: aramis@sbfi.admin.ch