
Research unit
Project number
Project title
OECD: Transforming Disability into Ability: Policies to Promote Work and Income Security for Disabled People (BSV-Beteiligung)

Texts for this project

Key words
Short description
Project aims
Publications / Results

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Key words
disability policy, employment, integration
Short description
International comparation of policies to promote Work and Income Security for working age disabled People
The project draws on the following sources:
descriptive reports on each country's disability policy and its broader social welfare context. The participating countries got a list of items to be covered by these reports;
aggregate data on disability and other social welfare programmes for the working age population and labour force statistics. Some of this data were drawn from existing OECD databases. Additional information were requested directly from the participating countries. Based on the national reports, countries were provided with individually designed Excel templates to collect the necessary data.
a micro data file containing individual records related to disability from a recent survey (preferably not before 1997) of the country's working age population, if available. The micro data were needed to describe the characteristics of the disabled population in general and, more specifically, to assess "where the disabled are" - whether they are receiving cash benefits, or whether they are working, with or without support from public programmes, or neither working nor getting public transfers. This was the most complicated part of the project, since several of the participating countries do not have such data available.
For Switzerland, data of the national health survey 1997 (Schweizerische Gesundheitsbefragung 1997) were used.
Project aims
The main goals of the project are to better understand participating countries' approaches to disability policy, to investigate the coherence of these policies, to compare policy outcomes, and to identify policy packages which have proven most successful in promoting labour market integration of disabled people and reducing disability rates.
Subjects of the study are:
Strategies for income replacement or compensation and strategies for activation or integration. Within these two policy orientations, several alternative but not mutually exclusive policy directions or paths can be distinguished. A third, residual, policy orientation can be added that provides a social safety net (social assistance and family support).
20 OECD Member Countries are joining the project
Transforming Disability into Ability: Policies to Promote Work and Income Security for Disabled People

Wie sollen die zwei in engem Zusammenhang stehenden, aber potenziell widersprüchlichen Bestrebungen in der Invaliditätspolitik angegangen werden? Dieses Problem wurde von den OECD-Staaten bisher nicht gelöst. Zum einen sollen Menschen mit Behinderungen nicht von der sozialen Teilnahme ausgeschlossen werden. Man muss den Betroffenen Rahmenbedingungen bieten, die ihnen weitestgehende ökonomische und soziale Partizipation ermöglicht; insbesondere im Bestreben, einer Erwerbsarbeit nachzugehen. Zum andern soll den Menschen, die behindert sind (oder es werden), ein würdiges Einkommen gesichert sein: Niemand soll wegen behinderungsbedingter Erwerbsunfähigkeit nicht finanziell gesichert leben können.
Das Buch stellt eine systematische Analyse eines breit gefächerten Angebotes von arbeitsmarkt- und sozialpolitischen Programmen zum Schutz von Menschen mit Behinderungen. Die Untersuchung von Beziehungen und Zusammenhängen zwischen diesen Politiken in zwanzig OECD-Staaten ermöglichen der Leserschaft einerseits ein Verständnis für die mit der Invalidenpolitik verbundenen Probleme und andererseits die Elemente - oder deren Kombination - von wirksamen Politiken. Der Bericht schliesst mit der Empfehlung, dass ein neuer Ansatz in der Invalidenpolitik sich mehr von Überlegungen in der Arbeitslosenpolitik leiten lassen sollte, d.h.:
- mehr Aufmerksamkeit auf die Aktivierung
- Einzelfall spezifische Interventionen
- arbeitshemmende Anreize abbauen
- Einführen der Kultur gegenseitiger Verpflichtungen
- Einbinden der Arbeitgeber.
Der Bericht hält fest, dass die Politiken verschiedener Staaten bereits wichtige Elemente dieses neuen Ansatzes enthalten.
Transforming Disability into Ability: Policies to Promote Work and Income Security for Disabled People

How OECD countries can reconcile the twin, but potentially contradictory, goals of disability policy has yet to be resolved. One goal is to ensure that disabled citizens are not excluded from society: that they are encouraged and empowered to participate as fully as possible in economic and social life, and in particular to engage in gainful employment, and that they are not ousted from the labour market too easily and too early. The other goal is to ensure that those who are disabled or who become disabled have income security: that they are not denied the means to live decently because of disabilities which restrict their earning potential.This book provides a systematic analysis of a wide array of labour market and social protection programmes aimed at people with disabilities. Analysing the relationship between policies and outcomes across twenty OECD countries, it gives the reader a better understanding of the dilemmas of disability policy and of successful policy elements or packages. The report concludes that a promising new disability policy approach should move closer to the philosophy of unemployment programmes by:
- emphasising activation;
- promoting tailored early intervention;
- removing disincentives to work;
- introducing a culture of mutual obligations; and,
- involving employers.
It finds that many countries' policies already include some elements which are important components in such a new approach.
Transformer le handicap en capacité: Promouvoir le travail et la sécurité des revenus des personnes handicapées

Comment concilier les deux objectifs indissociables mais parfois contradictoires de la politique de l'invalidité ? C'est un problème que les pays de l'OCDE n'ont pas encore résolu. L'un de ces objectifs est de faire en sorte que les personnes handicapées ne soient pas exclues de la société : qu'on les encourage et qu'on leur donne les moyens de participer dans toute la mesure du possible à la vie économique et sociale, et en particulier d'assumer un emploi rémunéré, et qu'ils ne soient pas evincés du marché du travail trop facilement et trop précocement. L'autre objectif est de faire bénéficier les personnes qui sont (ou deviennent) handicapées de revenus sûrs : qu'elles ne se voient pas dénier les moyens de vivre décemment parce qu'elles souffrent de handicaps qui limitent leurs gains potentiels.
Cet ouvrage présente une analyse systématique d'un large éventail de programmes du marché du travail et de protection sociale destinés aux personnes handicapées. En explorant la relation entre les politiques et leurs résultats pour vingt pays de l'OCDE, il permet au lecteur de mieux appréhender d'une part les problèmes que pose la politique de l'invalidité et d'autre part les éléments ou combinaisons d'éléments qui font qu'une politique est efficace. Enfin, le rapport conclut qu'une approche nouvelle et prometteuse de la politique de l'invalidité consisterait à s'inspirer davantage de la logique appliquée pour les régimes de chômage c'est-à-dire :
- mettre l'accent sur l'activation;
- promouvoir une intervention précoce individualisée;
- éliminer les contre-incitations au travail;
- instaurer une culture d'obligations mutuelles;
- impliquer les employeurs.
Le rapport constate d'ailleurs que les politiques de nombreux pays comportent déjà certains des éléments importants de cette nouvelle approche.
Transforming Disability into Ability: Policies to Promote Work and Income Security for Disabled People

Come conciliare i due obiettivi inseparabili, sebbene talvolta contraddittori, della politica concernente gli invalidi ? Si tratta di un problema che i Paesi dell'OCSE non hanno ancora risolto. Uno degli obiettivi è quello di fare in modo che le persone invalide non vengano escluse dalla società: d'incoraggiarle e di dar loro tutti i mezzi possibili per partecipare alla vita sociale ed economica ottenendo, in particolare, un impiego rimunerato. Occorre inoltre impegnarsi perché esse non vengano respinte dal mercato del lavoro troppo facilmente e troppo presto. L'altro obiettivo è di garantire alle persone invalide (o che stanno per diventarlo) un reddito sicuro: si tratta di assicurar loro i mezzi per vivere decentemente, anche se sono affette da disabilità che limitano i potenziali guadagni.
Questa pubblicazione presenta un'analisi sistematica di un largo ventaglio di programmi inerenti al mercato del lavoro e alla protezione sociale, destinati a persone invalide. Un'indagine sulle relazioni tra la politica ed i risultati da essa conseguiti in venti Paesi dell'OCSE permette al lettore d'inquadrare meglio i problemi posti dalla politica concernente l'invalidità e di capire quali elementi, o combinazioni di elementi, rendano tale politica efficace. Il rapporto conclude affermando che un nuovo tipo di approccio promettente della politica dell'invalidità potrebbe essere quello di lasciarsi maggiormente ispirare dalla logica seguita nelle situazioni di disoccupazione, vale a dire:
- incentivare il comportamento attivo delle persone interessate;
- promuovere interventi anticipati ed individuali;
- eliminare gli stimoli negativi sul lavoro ;
- adottare una cultura fondata sugli obblighi reciproci;
- coinvolgere i datori di lavoro.
Il rapporto constata d'altronde che le politiche di numerosi Paesi hanno già introdotto alcuni degli elementi importanti di questo nuovo approccio.
Publications / Results

Transforming Disability into Ability: Policies to Promote Work and Income Security for Disabled People
OECD 2003, Paris, ISBN: 92-64-19887-3


Federal Social Insurance Office: Research reports

Publications / Results

Transformer le handicap en capacité: Promouvoir le travail et la sécurité des revenus des personnes handicapées
OCDE 2003, Paris, ISBN: 92-64-2988-7


Page internet de l'OFAS: Rapports de recherche - «Aspects de la sécurité sociale»